Back on Blogging Pro

For those of you that don’t follow me around like crazed stalkers, you may not have heard that I am back blogging on Blogging Pro, one of the sites that originally made my career what it is today. I recently got contacted by Mark Saunders, CEO of Splashpress Media, and he wanted me to help bring the site back to its former glory. I give much credit to the Splashpress guys for keeping the ship running, but with every change in author, it felt like it was slipping, and so in reaching out to me, hopefully, I can bring some people back, make new fans, and get the site really chugging along again.

I can’t say how excited I am to be back on there posting about WordPress. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the subject. It should be interesting to see how the readers respond to it. For me, it is like slipping back on the most comfortable shoes ever. Blogging Pro has always felt like home, and many people I’ve met have assumed that I own the site, despite facts plastered to the contrary on the site. I enjoyed being associated with the Blogging Pro brand, and hope to once again.

I have already written over a dozen posts on there, and I am looking forward to doing more, so please check it out, let me know what you think.

Originally posted on January 30, 2009 @ 7:59 am

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