Category Archives: Blogging

How to Ensure Your Website Displays Well on Tablets

It’s 2013 already and for those running a business, have you checked if your website is mobile-friendly? If you haven’t done so, it’s time to do it now.
With a rapidly growing number of people turning to the smartphones and tablets these days, you need to keep abreast with technology and making your website mobile-friendly is the way to go. You may think that just because you have a website, it will automatically display correctly on iPhones and tablets. But the truth is, there’s a big difference.

Keep in mind that these portable and handheld gadgets have a smaller screen size and what you see on your regular desktop or laptop computer screen will naturally be smaller when viewed on tablets and smartphones.

In terms of tablets alone, there are now 70 million users in the U.S. Traffic to e-commerce sites from this device also went up by 348 percent for one year alone, from 2011 to 2012.
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Originally posted on January 9, 2013 @ 3:17 am

Double Your Web Traffic Using Twitter


When it comes to speed in disseminating information, Twitter is the champ. Many users agree that they would hear about breaking news stories first on this social media site than the traditional media such as television and radio.

It is no wonder then that businesses are relying on Twitter to get the word out about their products and services and engaging with their target market. Being a very responsive platform, a growing number of professionals are taking advantage of it to achieve their business goals and drive traffic to their websites.

Twitter Search

Social media experts point out that apart from tweeting, business organizations also need to tap the site’s news updates. The best way to do this is to utilize the Twitter search function just as you would Google search. Keep in mind that many users share updated information in real time via this platform hence using the search function will help you monitor your competitors. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 29, 2013 @ 1:12 am

Blogging as an Unemployment Solution

The over-all unemployment rate in many parts of the world can be quite depressing.  Sadly, even those who are equipped to work in terms of education and experience still find themselves either unemployed or underemployed.  It would appear that people need to do something more to survive during these very difficult times.

People who find themselves in such a situation are forced to tap their inner resourcefulness to determine how they can still use the degrees they finished to help themselves while the employment sector seems to be in a limbo.  The online environment has provided many earning opportunities for a good number of people and a majority of them have found it in blogging.  Blogging is no longer just a means of expressing one’s self online.

The earning opportunities in blogging  are only limited by the bloggers’ level of determination in succeeding.  Information from experts in their respective fields will always find an audience in the Internet.  Blogging can be an unemployment solution for money.

Top 10 States with the Best Employment Rates
Source: Best Therapy Degrees


Originally posted on November 1, 2012 @ 9:14 pm

What Taxes to File if You’re a Home-Based Blogger or Business Owner

In this age of the internet, it’s very convenient to earn an income while staying at home. Your options are to work for various companies on a freelance basis or run your own business.

Income that can be earned from a home-based blogging job or business varies but if you’re patient and resourceful enough, a high income is very possible. What you earn can be the same as that of an office employee or even bigger.

You have to be aware, however, that even if you’re home-based, you still need to pay your taxes. The amount is basically the same as what you pay for your social security and Medicare.
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Originally posted on August 10, 2012 @ 10:21 am

Joining Blog Networks the Smart Way

Joining a blog network these days has become a less attractive option due to the recent penalization of blog networks by Google. The whole idea of joining a blog network after all is to supposedly help you position either your blog or yourself in a way that will increase your reach and build your link profile. Instead, due to the countless low quality (even downright spammy) blog networks in existence, joining a blog network indiscriminately may lead to disastrous results.

If you plan on joining a blog network, either as a blogger for existing blogs on a network, or to have your blog added as part of the network, you’d better exercise caution so that you end up with a network that will truly help you reach your goals.

Some warning you should watch out for when joining blog networks include:

  • Poor content – If the blog network offers poor content, stay away. You don’t want to be associated with anything that will diminish your reputation instead of build it up. Read the actual posts and you can easily see whether they are publishing spun content or are using ghost bloggers that do not even have a good command of the English language. In addition to these, many of the blogs are not even thematic and will write about any topic, which is a sign that they are accepting payment to link to sites, and as we know they will get penalized if caught.
  • Ugly pages – Most link farms disguising as blog networks use templates that they do not bother to customize at all.
  • No information about the people behind it – You will find that the best blog networks have “real” people behind them. Stay away from blog networks without decent write ups on the authors/bloggers and do not even provide proper contact information.

Image via CrunchyNow

Originally posted on March 30, 2012 @ 3:24 am