Tag Archives: how to create blog posts

3 Tips for Creating Seasonal Blog Posts

If you’re committed to creating new content for your website on a consistent basis, it can be a real challenge to come up with new ideas or ways to write about things all within the same vein. Luckily, if you choose to write content that’s based on seasonal ideas, you can always have a new angle to twist to put on your content. The only problem with this is being able to set your content apart from everyone else’s. To help with this, here are three tips for creating seasonal blog posts.

Aim For Evergreen

Although writing seasonal post may seem like a simply solution, it may not serve you as well as you might assume. So rather than just creating easy content that’s only relevant for a very short period of time, Tara M. Clapper, a contributor to SEM Rush, recommends that you actually aim for making your content evergreen instead. This means that you give your seasonal content a spin so that it can be found useful to readers regardless of when they actually come upon it. Not only this, but if you create seasonal content that can be revisited by your viewers in subsequent years, this content may prove to be even more evergreen that you originally planned. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 24, 2018 @ 1:12 am