Tag Archives: Julie Powell

Five Blogging Lessons from Julie Powell

I just finished watching the movie Julie and Julia as recommended by Juned in a previous post here in XFEP. Indeed it was a very inspiring movie – for writers and bloggers. Julie Powell may not be the best blogger in the world, but she definitely excels in one important thing that all of us bloggers should learn to do (if you’re not yet doing it) – talk to our audience when we write blog posts.

Taking the other important things that we can all learn from Julie Powell, here are five blogging lessons that we can learn from Julie Powell from the movie Julie and Julia.

Be Passionate About What You Are Writing

Julie adores and loves Julia Child. She was her hero, icon, semi-god. And like Julia, Julie loves cooking. At some point in the movie, when Julie was talking about blogging she asked her husband what she should write about. Somewhere in their discussion – the niche came out – Julie will cook all the recipes in Julia Powell’s cookbook and blog about it. So she did. Continue reading

Originally posted on November 9, 2010 @ 7:00 am

A film to watch: Julie & Julia

A few days ago I was able to watch the film Julie and Julia. The movie tells the tale of Julia Child and Julie Powell . Powell a writer who seemed to be getting frustrated at her life started blogging. Her blog The Julie/Julia Project chronicled a challenge she set up for herself- to cook over 524 recipes from Julia Child’s book – Mastering the Art of French Cooking (1st Edition, 1961, written by Louisette Berthole, Simone Beck and Julia Child ).With Each effort and enterprise to be posted on Julie’s blog, In between the triumph and defeat of Julie the film also tells the story of how Julia Child became a writer and how the book came to be. It is the story of Julie and Julia.

The film’s script was adapted by Nora Ephron from two books: (i) My Life in France, Child’s autobiography, written with Alex Prud’homme, and (ii)Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen by Julie Powell.

The film is light and entertaining, Julia and Julie’s adventures are poignant with little or even just a pinch of pathos, Just enough to ground one with the story without being overwhelmed. In short it is a film about real people.

And it is an eye-opener as well. Writing online and offline is something that requires consistent and hard work plus a little bit of luck, It is shown in the film. In the film the writing process took years and years of hard work, misadventures for Julia Child. And for Julie Powell it seemed to have been a roller coaster ride but an interesting experience as well. And it also shows how the Internet – blogs in particular – have changed the publishing world.

It is a movie that takes a look at a the writing life of America’s foodie Icon and her American foodie fan – a blogger. It is entertaining and illuminating. The movie will be a delight for foodies. Writers and bloggers without doubt.

Enjoy watching the film: Bon Appétit!

Originally posted on September 28, 2009 @ 5:52 pm