Tag Archives: run tests

3 Ways To Improve Your PPC Ads

One great way to get more exposure for your business and bring in more revenue is to advertise online using PPC, or pay-per-click. But because you have to pay in order to use this type of advertising, you want to be sure that you’re creating ads that are going to reach the optimal success rate for you. So to help ensure that you’re not wasting your hard-earned money, here are three ways that you can start to improve your PPC ads and make them more successful for your business.

Find Your High-Performing Keywords

To create PPC ads that are going to give you the biggest bang for your buck, you have to find out what keywords are going to perform the highest for you. According to Margot da Cunha, a contributor to WordStream.com, the keywords that are going to be high-performing for you are going to depending on what your key performance indicators are. Once you know which KPIs you’re looking for, you can narrow down which keywords will perform well in those areas and put more money behind those keywords. If you haven’t yet found out which of your desired keywords are performing the best, make sure you run some reports to find out. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 6, 2018 @ 2:56 am