Tag Archives: social media

Social Media Meets SEO: Learning the Basics

It’s a point of frustration for many people that you have the best idea in the world, and you talk about it constantly, consistently, and passionately on social media, but somehow information about your opinion or your product never gets anywhere. This is a very common area of growing pains for people who are trying to find the intersection between social media and search engine optimization.

A few of the ways that you can learn the basics about how those ideas combine is by going to workshops, learning to adapt to algorithms, knowing the difference between real and fake success, and using your knowledge to hack the system. Continue reading

Originally posted on March 8, 2018 @ 2:48 am

Bring Your Website Into The 21st Century With These Tips

A great business website is never truly finished.  One of the most important elements of a successful business website is that it is malleable.  As technology shifts what web users expect to find, your pages should transform.  

Stay up with the times through regular research.  Start now, and read through a brief summary featuring a few design tips that will help to bring your business website into the 21st century.  

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Originally posted on January 20, 2020 @ 5:09 am

Blogging and Content Marketing: Modern Tools At Your Disposal

When it comes to blogging and content marketing, you obviously want to use the most modern tools available at your disposal. Because everyone else is going to be attempting to use these to their benefit, it only makes sense that you want to figure out the latest tips and techniques to add to your success as well.

In particular, four different ways that you can approach the most modern tools include looking at Facebook ads, Twitter threads, Instagram feeds, and automated optimization tools. By taking on any combination of these, you can drastically improve your overall blogging and content marketing projects and increase your conversion rates. Continue reading

Originally posted on July 11, 2017 @ 3:39 am

3 Ways To Use Instagram For Marketing Your Business

Many business owners are turning to Instagram as a marketing platform. Since there are millions of users each day it can be a great place to get your business seen and heard. Some businesses have had so much success marketing their business on Instagram that they have decided to run their businesses entirely on Instagram.

There are a lot of ways to make it work for you if you know how to work the right angles. All it takes is a little creativity and knowing how it all works. Here are the basics for getting started on using Instagram for marketing your business. Continue reading

Originally posted on August 31, 2017 @ 5:22 am

Online Marketing Made Easy With These Helpful Hints

Online marketing is much different from traditional marketing efforts. Today, businesses small and large have more tools and places to market their services or products than ever before. Traditional print advertisements are often expensive, while digital marketing is typically more affordable, or even free.

The challenge is to stand out among the noise on popular search engines. Internet users have a large amount of control over exactly what they see online. The trick is to understand what they are seeking. Take a moment to look over this short summary of a few online marketing tips made easy. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 12, 2017 @ 10:25 pm