5+1 New Blog Promotion Tactics that Actually Work

Daily Blog Tips is currently running a very useful posts on 101 Ways to Promote a New Blog. Although most of the tips are proven to work in promoting a new blog, some actually are easier said than done.

It’s a great list and I would have to commend the guest blogger for coming up with such list. Going through the 100 tips for promoting a new blog though might be too much a task, so I picked up 10 of this tips which I’ve proven to work based on my recent experience with my new blog on ebooks and ereaders, as well as with my other blogging activities.

So, here goes 10 blog promotion tips that actually work:

1. Write a list of over 100+ resources or ideas – You might think 100+ resources list type of post is daunting and requires too much hard work, why can it be just 10+, 20+, or 30+? Do readers actually go through that 100 items?  Probably not. But 10+ list types are very common today. So if  you have a new blog and you want your list post to stand out, try to make the number of items up to 100+ or even more. You’ll get more attention by doing so and will improve your chances of getting at the front page of Digg.

2. Create a Facebook Fan Page – Nevermind what people say about creating a fan page for blogs. Go ahead and create your own Facebook page. It’s a free world, nobody is stopping you from doing so. But make sure that when you’ve created the Facebook fan page that you promote it properly on your Facebook profile so that your Facebook friends will actually know about it. Then let the power of word-of-mouth advertising do it’s wonders.

3. Connect with Other Bloggers – It doesn’t matter how you do this task. You can connect with bloggers through so many social media ways – follow bloggers on Twitter, Connect with them on Facebook,  Add their site to your Blogroll, etc. The thing is, this old-age habit still works and help you promote your new blog.

4.Search Engine Optimization – Another old trick that still works, no matter what people say that this trick may no longer anymore. The fact is SEO is still important if you want to promote your new blog.

5. ReTweet, ReTweet and ReTweet your Blog Posts – Spammy or not ReTweeting your individual blog posts is still the best way of promoting your new blog. Based on my recent experience with my new blog, this trick actually can make wonders in making your blog known. It helped one of my blog posts got into the Techmeme index which resulted in instant increase in page views – which in turn game me a good AdSense earnings. All in just a couple of days.

5+1. Sit back, relax and wait for the fruits of your labor to reap its rewards. If you are not satisfied with the rewards you’ve gained, go back to step 1 to 5 and find other tips from the DBT posts.

Originally posted on November 5, 2009 @ 10:14 pm

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