One thing that I have been wanting to do for a while now is create a list of the world’s probloggers. If you have made your living online through producing content for a blog, I want to hear about it, and add you to the list I am creating.
The list will be hosted on the Problogger page of the Million Dollar Wiki. I bought a page for this purpose. I think it will be a fun project to take on, and other than the list of Probloggers and their sites, I hope to list some great blogging resources for people wanting to get to the point in their blogging career to join the list.
So if you would like to be added to the list, please comment on this post, or head on over to the contact page, and let me know your name, your blog URL, and where you are in the world.
Originally posted on September 21, 2007 @ 10:35 pm