How Well Does Your Hosting Provider Represent You?

For years, people have been putting MediaTemple badges on their sites, and it is easy to see why, they are not cheap, but provide an amazing service to their users. Over on Blogging Tips there is a post about how MediaTemple saved the day when a blog got promoted to the front page of the popular social news site,

A bit from the article:

Anyways at the start of those two days when the first Digg hits started flooding in I received an email from MediaTemple which I have pasted below. This is what kept me alive through those two days, and I couldn’t be happier with their service.

Dear Patric,(mt) Media Temple’s automated MySQL monitoring systems have detected an increase in database activity for your Grid-Service ( To help your web applications scale during this surge in activity, your databases are now served from a MySQL BurstContainer. MySQL BurstContainers, are an innovative new component of our MySQL SmartPool v.2, that allows your websites to instantly handle intense, temporary bursts of database activity.

That is pretty amazing, and while eXtra for Every Publisher has not really hit the front page of any major social news or bookmarking site as of yet, I still feel very confident that my host, Hostgator (affiliate link), has this site covered, and while not everyone would agree with me, I have found their customer service and hosting to be some of the highest value for my money I have ever received.

I have used a variety of hosts, and there are very few that have been absolutely amazing. I would say to most people, find someone you can trust to host you, be they a big company, or a smaller one, and that service is the most important thing.

Originally posted on October 22, 2007 @ 10:05 pm

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