Visit to b5media’s Office

One place that not many people get to go to is b5media’s main office in Toronto, but I just recently visited, and so I figured it would be fun to give a rundown of what I saw and thought.

b5media’s office is great. It is open concept, with just under a dozen stations. It has one wall dedicated to a giant white board with the other wall across from it, filled with windows. I expected it to be much larger, but I think it is the perfect size for a company based internationally and on the web.

All of their secrets and projects are listed on the whiteboard wall for anyone to see. All of those concerns that b5media is a hidden, private company definitely doesn’t seem to be true once you enter their inner sanctum. Clocks set to Toronto, San Francisco, Melbourne sit on the whiteboard wall as well. Reminds me of the financial centers around the world, except the locations are written in black marker above the fancy metallic clocks.

The desks are a higher quality of what I have at home, a simple glass and metal desk with a black finish. They look really great, but it doesn’t give anyone any privacy. The desks are adorned with all sorts of interesting nicknacks. One person is equipped with a jumbo 30″ LCD monitor. It makes all the others look very diminutive and is larger than any monitor or television I own.

The view outside is of the city streets, and while not all that pleasant, there is a great deal of light coming in from the window. In the distance you can also see the CN Tower.

The work environment is intense, but relaxed. Two of the three people in the main office area spend their time listening to music on their headphones while they work.

In the back there is a meeting/conference room with a comfortable couch, three walls of whiteboard space, an even bigger LCD television, and an Xbox 360, with Rockband all set up to go.

I have to admit, it is so much nicer and more interesting than the space I have devoted to myself to work. Not only that, but this is the second time a blog related company I have worked with included a whiteboard in their project flow and notes, something that I should probably consider at home, even if it would only be to organize me.

Originally posted on April 3, 2008 @ 9:46 pm

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