Category Archives: Community

nextMEDIA: Who’s Attending?

As I get ready for the nextMEDIA conference in Toronto, I have been slowly going over the list of companies and speakers that are attending, and I am getting really excited. The caliber of people making this conference great, are the upper echelons of the online who’s who, and I am excited to be attending and listening to them talk.

Here are just a small sampling of people that will be there:

  • Leonard Brody, CEO, Now Public
  • David Carson, Co-CEO,
  • Joe Casale, CEO, Casale Media Inc.
  • Mathew Ingram, Technology Columnist, The Globe & Mail
  • Will Pate, Community Evangelist, ConceptShare
  • Bryan Segal, Senior Director, Comscore Media Metrix
  • Dick Soule, Head of International Sales, YouTube

While I have seen Will Pate at a few events in Canada, I hope that this time I get a chance to speak to him. I also hope to have a chance to talk to Mathew Ingram, a great guy with an interesting job. I am actually a little nervous to be going to such a conference, though I have a feeling that I am still not well known enough to get “noticed”.

I remember when I went to my first web-related conference, one person recognized the company I worked for and called me “the guy that works for the guy that bought Scrivs’ sites”.

I hope to see some friendly faces, and I hope the event goes well. How can anyone get sick of going to conferences?

Originally posted on November 26, 2007 @ 1:16 pm

nextMEDIA 2007: I’ll Be There

nextMEDIA 2007Thanks to James Cogan and Splashpress Media, I will be attending the nextMEDIA 2007 conference in Toronto on the 27th and 28th of November.

The conference hails itself as the monetizing digital media event and will have speakers from companies like YouTube, NBC Universal, Google, and many other heavy hitting companies.

I am very excited about attending and want to thank the organizers of the event for what is sure to be an amazing two days.

Here is some text from their website:

With the skyrocketing popularity of online video, social media and digital advertising, opportunities have never been greater for content creators, advertisers and online publishers to work together to leverage digital technology for increased profitability.

Enter nextMEDIA – Monetizing Digital Media: a unique digital entertainment, interactive advertising, and technology conference dedicated to connecting all sides of today’s rapidly evolving digital media marketplace. Delegates will come away with the tools and contacts that will enable them to create and execute profitable digital strategies for their organizations.

One of the things that has me really excited is the fact that there is only one stream of speakers to follow. While this makes presentations shorter than other events, I am very happy to not have to choose which sessions I hear, and which sessions I miss.

You can expect a lot of coverage of the conference here, and on other Splashpress Media blogs.

Originally posted on November 21, 2007 @ 11:37 pm

nextMEDIA: Travel

This is a report of my travel to the nextMEDIA conference in Toronto. Full coverage of this event can be found on a variety of sites, but I will be linking all the posts from the Splashpress Blog.

Getting up early wasn’t a real issue, though I didn’t sleep well the night before the conference, feeling a little like a child waiting for Christmas, when the alarm went off at nearly five in the morning, I leapt from the bed and started my final preparations to go.

The train boarded just before departure time, and being awake at six thirty in the morning started to feel really early. In two hours I would be in Toronto, and walking towards the conference. I would miss breakfast, but I am not a big breakfast eater anyways.

Going to nextMEDIA in Toronto is rather exciting for me because I am still new to the conference scene. A friend of mine online let me know that going to conferences would get old as I continued to travel around, but I enjoy traveling, despite not taking the time to enjoy each place.

Like this Toronto trip. I got up at five in the morning to go, and I will be coming home tomorrow right after the conference is finished. I could have probably arranged to stay another day, but my wife would miss me too much or at least that is what I like to believe.

I also try to find the least expensive ways to attend events, while I believe going to conferences is a valuable experience, being in what amounts to a startup environment compels me to try to be as inexpensive as possible with such trips so that we can allocate money for more important things, like my monthly pay.

One thing I am glad about though is that I am not taking the bus. I am so sick of traveling by bus, so the train is a welcome change. This will be my fourth major conference since I started blogging and so far, each conference I have attended has been better than the last. I will have more on if nextMedia continues that trend, though I think Mesh Conference in Toronto will be very hard to beat.

As we slowly shuffle forward in the train, the snow is getting thicker and thicker, until we hit the metropolis of Toronto, with its heavy pollution, and thus no snow.

I am very happy I brought my laptop on this trip, and while I didn’t take advantage of the expensive WiFi on the train, ($10 for 24 hours, $4 for 15 minutes) the multimedia on my laptop was more than sufficient to keep me entertained for the two hour train ride. Even better, they have power outlets for laptops on the train, which allow me to not run my battery down.

I am still slowly waking up, and already the conference doors have swung open by now for the breakfast eat-in. It’s a shame I am not already there, as during the Norther Voice conference in Vancouver last year, the breakfast was a great time to meet people.

Thankfully, I will be arriving before the opening speech. I hope to see James Cogan early on in the conference as having a friendly face nearby provides a fair bit of confidence in meeting people, while also giving a safety net when you just want to relax and enjoy some sessions.

Conferences are a thousand times better when you have someone there with you. I highly recommend bloggers and blog networks send two people to conferences.

Originally posted on November 28, 2007 @ 9:49 am

Video Knowledge Share Failure

So recently Mark from introduced me to Ustream, a great site where you can stream video, and have an interactive chat. I tried to promote the fact that I was going to spend two hours each evening in Ustream on my Xfep2 channel, where people could come and ask me for advice. Having been a full time blogger for the last two years, I figured some people would be clamoring at the chance to pick my brain, but on Thursday and Friday, basically no one showed up.

Sure I could have promoted it more, but I did mention it on the Blog Herald, a popular site read by bloggers, as well as mentioning it on here, and lastly Mark also mentioned it on his site.

I found it a little sad that no one saw the value in coming freely to learn from me, but as much as this disheartened me a bit, I have added it to my paid consulting page. If you are looking to learn from me, and would like to do so in a video setting, where the conversation will be recorded for your further usage, please let me know. Rates are already posted on my consulting page.

If you would like to learn more about me, and why it would be advantageous to you to contact me for consulting, check out my about page, for more details on my history with blogging.

Originally posted on November 17, 2007 @ 9:01 pm

Teaching Sells Members-Only Affiliate Program

Teaching Sells Affiliate ProgramSo, the long talked about Teaching Sells Affiliate program is now live, with only certain members being accepted into its ranks so that you won’t have to compete with all of the over 800 currently members out of the starting gate.

They say that they are only accepting members in good standing, and so while I have been reading all the content, and absorbing it all, I haven’t been communicating much on the forum, and am unsure what the qualifications are for being considered in “good standing”.

We will pay you 50% of the initial sign-up fee (currently $197) when someone joins Teaching Sells from your referral. Plus, we will also continue to pay you 50% of the monthly recurring fees (currently $49) for that subscriber who remains in good standing beyond the first three month period.

Interestingly enough, the affiliate page goes on to say what I have already expected, they are holding back content until the three month anniversary of the site, meaning that if you want to continue to get all the great things that they have thought up, you will have to sign up for another three months at the $47 renewal rate.

Sounds like a first rate affiliate program though, and I can see some people, with a huge amount of community clout making a killing off the nearly $100 per new member earnings that are possible.

Originally posted on November 20, 2007 @ 6:20 pm