Category Archives: Community

Dealing With Idea Theft

If you know someone is taking the ideas behind each one of your posts, and then rewriting them to publish on their own blog, how would you feel about that? How would you deal with it? It is something I have recently noted on a blog I used to really like. It seems as I write articles on here, sometime a week or two later, an original article with the same topic shows up on the other blog.

At first, I thought it was just coincidence, but it just happened again. A post I had written less than a week ago has been written from scratch and put on a blog more popular than this one.

While I do like being a source for ideas, I don’t like how this person is going about it. I really don’t know how I feel over this whole thing. They aren’t copying my article text. They aren’t linking back to me, but they are using my posts to come up with their post topics.

Am I a victim of the huge echo chamber of the web?

While I know there is nothing I can do about this whole thing, and I should probably try to be pleased that they think so highly of me, it can be really hard for me to come up with post ideas, and while I can’t say that I have never taken a post idea from someone else’s blog, I usually try to stick to their long ago archives, while this person is taking less than a week to basically repurpose my ideas.

It is a very strange feeling. I would love to hear what my readers think about all of this. And if the person “stealing my ideas” reads this, I wonder if they even realize they are doing it?

Note: They aren’t copying my posts, but instead taking the general idea of my post and re-writing them from scratch. None of my content is being stolen… just every post idea I have that appeals to their audience. I don’t know if that changes anything for anyone, but I wanted to make sure everyone understood that fact.

Originally posted on January 16, 2008 @ 7:01 pm

Another Blog For Sale: Smart Wealthy Rich

So thus far in December, it has been a slow month for Make Money Online blog sales, but Smart Wealthy Rich is changing all that, as the blog goes up for sale.

A lot of things. Most of you already know I started a multi-author blog a couple months ago, thing are going really good. That’s keeping me very busy. And I’ve also been very busy designing and customizing blogs, and building my portfolio site, which is not yet fully functional but should be soon (I have no idea how it looks like in IE, I’m still working on it, but it should look ok in FireFox).

And I’m also spending a lot of time in the recording studio with my band working on some cool guitar licks 🙂 In fact starting January we will most likely start doing more shows and release our album and 3 of our songs will be up on Itunes in about a month from now. So that too is keeping me busy.

So all of this means less time for this blog (SWR), unfortunately.

I guess you see where I’m getting at with all this.

Yes, SmartWealthyRich is for sale. This is my first blog, and I’m really sad to have to let it go, but I’m sure you folks want more than 1-2 posts per month.

So far, there hasn’t been any information on what the site would go for, as he hasn’t openly listed the site on SitePoint or any other auction site as of yet, asking instead for private offers, which will hopefully mean the right person will be taking over the blog, rather than the highest paying.

Check out all the details at Smart Wealthy Rich, and enjoy Jon’s new site, Freelance Folder.

Originally posted on December 11, 2007 @ 11:03 pm

Conferences in 2008

I am really looking forward to attending a wider variety of conferences in 2008, as I slowly get my bearings with Splashpress Media, and continue to be part of the blogging community, it seems like attending conferences is what I should be doing. I would love to speak on some panels as well as maybe even doing some small presentations of my own, but thus far, I haven’t really found my “in” or groove in that respect.

I haven’t planned out which conferences I am going to as of yet. Some things are still up in the air in regards to attending some in the US, among other places, but I would love to hear about the conferences and events you all are excited about, especially those relating to blogging.

Originally posted on December 19, 2007 @ 9:11 pm

Performancing Blog Awards: Vote Today!

So Performancing have opened up voting on their various categories, and it is shaping up to be a great list with some top tier blogs in pretty much every category. I look forward to seeing how things turn out for everyone, but right now, I wanted to give a quick plea to my readership. I am currently one of the options for best new blog of 2007, and I would love to come in first or second place, and so if you have some time, could you please give me a quick vote?

I know my competition is very stiff, but I’d like to think that I’ve done alright here.

Originally posted on January 4, 2008 @ 12:20 am

nextMEDIA: Who’s Attending?

As I get ready for the nextMEDIA conference in Toronto, I have been slowly going over the list of companies and speakers that are attending, and I am getting really excited. The caliber of people making this conference great, are the upper echelons of the online who’s who, and I am excited to be attending and listening to them talk.

Here are just a small sampling of people that will be there:

  • Leonard Brody, CEO, Now Public
  • David Carson, Co-CEO,
  • Joe Casale, CEO, Casale Media Inc.
  • Mathew Ingram, Technology Columnist, The Globe & Mail
  • Will Pate, Community Evangelist, ConceptShare
  • Bryan Segal, Senior Director, Comscore Media Metrix
  • Dick Soule, Head of International Sales, YouTube

While I have seen Will Pate at a few events in Canada, I hope that this time I get a chance to speak to him. I also hope to have a chance to talk to Mathew Ingram, a great guy with an interesting job. I am actually a little nervous to be going to such a conference, though I have a feeling that I am still not well known enough to get “noticed”.

I remember when I went to my first web-related conference, one person recognized the company I worked for and called me “the guy that works for the guy that bought Scrivs’ sites”.

I hope to see some friendly faces, and I hope the event goes well. How can anyone get sick of going to conferences?

Originally posted on November 26, 2007 @ 1:16 pm