Category Archives: Site News

Starting a New Blog

While I haven’t been writing as much on the blogs I should be writing on, or even on this one here, I have decided to start a new blog. This one is more a personal therapy session, as it is about weight loss, and my struggles with being obese. I will be writing in there and chronicling my work at trying to get out of the obese world.

If you want to check it out, head on over to

Originally posted on February 17, 2008 @ 4:34 pm

Grand Effect: What is it?

A few years ago, a great blog network started called 9rules. It seemed like every blog that I enjoyed reading, especially regarding design, blogging, and technology were all listed in their ranks.

Since then though, the network has ballooned out of control and has now become a community. During this shift, I have watched as many original members left 9rules as the benefits and goals were no longer there.

With Grand Effect, I hope to help Sarah Perez recreate some of the magic that was the original 9rules. The blogs listed in the Grand Effect network will work together, helping each other out in blog development, promotion, and creating a cross communication between sites.

We will also begin to work on an advertising platform that will allow advertisers to buy space on all the blogs in the network for an appropriate rate, allowing us to combine our reach in the blogosphere to spread out marketing messages for those interested.

There won’t be rounds, nor will every blog be accepted. We are looking to keep this a small, tight knit group of high quality blogs.

So far, I am more than impressed with the other members of the network, and how we’ve all pulled together to launch the network. The Grand Effect site still needs huge amounts of work, and things will be in a constant state of improvement, but I look forward to the new challenges with Grand Effect.

For those wondering what this means for me and Splashpress, it doesn’t change anything. This blog has always been a side project, and will continue to be one as I focus on my duties with Splashpress Media. My work with Splashpress provides me with many of the ideas that I turn into posts here, so again, nothing will change in that respect.

I hope you will all check out the other member sites, and I hope you will continue to watch and be involved with the growth of Grand Effect.

Originally posted on February 12, 2008 @ 11:18 am

One-on-One Consulting Available

So yesterday I started consulting with what is honestly my first real client for this site. We talked one on one via instant messenger about her needs, goals, and how I write my articles each and every day.

Not only was it seemingly informative and helpful for her, but it was the most fun I have had so far this year. It reminded me how much I enjoy teaching, and how easy it can be to break down what I do into easy to digest pieces.

I always thought I would teach computers, or basic web development to people, but I am really enjoying teaching blogging.

If you are looking to blog, and want to make the most of your time, efforts, and money, contact me to schedule some consulting time. My rates are currently $60 for an hour or $35 for half an hour. I am not a stickler for time and won’t get rid of you, or charge you if the session runs a little long, but I really believe that I have knowledge that can help any blogger do better.

Check out my consulting page for more details. I am available via instant messenger, video via, Skype or even over the phone.

Originally posted on January 10, 2008 @ 7:53 pm

How Much Would I Sell Xfep For?

So, someone recently asked me what it would take to buy this blog from me. They seemed interested not only in owning the site, but keeping me on part-time.

I am not actively looking for anyone to buy this blog, and I have had a few ridiculous offers over the last half a year. Lately, I have been receiving even more interest, including from some people that would like this blog to join their new or established networks.

To sell this blog, I wouldn’t currently consider any offers less than $15,000 US, and that doesn’t even include paying to keep me on here writing.

I have written almost 280 posts on this blog, and some of it has been what I consider to be my best work yet. If each post was worth on average $10, that is $2800 worth of content alone. Add to that, the short, easy to brand domain, thousands of inbound links, growing traffic, Google PageRank, and amazing following via the RSS feed which is just shy of 300 readers, I think this blog and what I could do with it over the long term is worth more than fifteen thousand dollars.

Sure, this might seem a little off to some, as they calculate valuations based on profit multiplied by twelve months or so, and despite having done that a few times myself, I see no reason for me not to continue working on this blog, sharing my knowledge, and communicating with a great audience for anything less.

So many bloggers have sold their self short in 2007, and I hope they won’t do the same in 2008. So now that I have answered your question, please no more e-mails offering me $1500 for this blog, as they will be ignored by me.

Originally posted on January 5, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

Traffic Update: Huge Numbers

So to start off the year right, I was hoping that January would be a banner month for this blog, and I couldn’t have been more right. A post that I had written that is not really suitable for work got some serious traffic due to a news announcement being released about the subject of the post. I know that sounds pretty cryptic, but nevertheless it helped me get over 17,000 unique visitors in a week. Meaning that in the first week of January, this blog received more traffic than all of November, and more than half of December.

Here’s hoping for continued success. And thanks again to Ryan for getting me to write up that article.

Originally posted on January 8, 2008 @ 12:30 pm