Category Archives: Communication

Do Online Businesses Have Use for Courier Services?

It is a mistake to think that online businesses do not have use for courier services. At first thought, since business transactions can be carried on online, the need for physical services such as those offered by courier companies is not quite evident. How about items that need to be physically delivered to clients and customers? Who will do that for online stores and businesses? You got it right – a reliable courier service.


The Online Business

The online business option has made it possible for entrepreneurs to conduct a business operation without having a physical store or office. This is quite advantageous money-wise since maintaining a physical business location eats up a considerable portion of capitalization. With a quality product and a working e-commerce site, an online business is set to go.

Not quite though. After advertising and marketing efforts prove successful and customers’ orders come rolling in, ensuring that the products reach the customers in time and in good condition is a major concern. The reputation of the online business is affected if delivery procedures prove wanting.

The Necessary Partner

Online businesses will find that they have a necessary partner in the form of a reliable courier service. Couriers can deliver basically three things: messages, mails, and packages. Online businesses probably wouldn’t need couriers to deliver their messages since there is always the email and social networking sites which make it easy to communicate. When it comes to important mails, packages, and anything that cannot be sent online however, courier service is the way to go.

The courier service industry performs a big role in the conduct of businesses whether online or brick-and-mortar types. It is  a faster option than regular postal services. It is more personal since packages are picked up or delivered right on the doorstep of the customer.

Expanded Services of Courier Companies

The courier service industry has never been more personalized than now. Aside from the traditional services offered, many courier services have expanded their range of services to include tasks previously thought of unthinkable to be given to them. Mail collection, interoffice deliveries ,and even waiting in line in banks are just some additional tasks accepted by select courier service providers. Some even accept the seemingly very personal tasks of dry-cleaning pick-up or buying office groceries.

Do online businesses have use for courier services? Definitely yes. That will be until such time that businesses, whether online or otherwise, can find a better option which at this time is highly unlikely.


Originally posted on May 13, 2013 @ 11:30 pm

Look to the Past in 2012: How to Put Referrals Back on the Table

Many companies are focusing on the 2012 trends and new developments in business, but some should be thinking more along the lines of a New Year’s resolution. In other words, the New Year is a great time to improve upon what your company is already doing (or should already be doing). Many of those old marketing tricks still work just as well, but companies have slowly been pushing them to the wayside. While methods like social media and QR Codes are great, my advice is this: Make improving your older marketing methods your New Year’s resolution.

One of my favorite “classic” marketing tricks is the referral. Getting a referral is so important to a company because it has a very good chance of actually bringing in a profit. This is the case for because a referral means that your company is being talked about on a level of trust. The person getting the referral trusts the person giving the referral. This yields better results than if someone was just looking at a website.

If you think your company could benefit from more referrals, it’s time to start making this a priority. Consider a few of the ways your company can increase its number of referrals in the New Year:

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Number of Referrals in 2012

1. Co-Marketing – Part of a co-marketing strategy is giving referrals. For those who are unfamiliar, many companies create partnerships with other, complementary companies for marketing purposes. For example, if you work at a day care center you may want to have a partnership with a pediatrician. If you refer customers to his/her practice and they refer their patients to your business, you will have an entirely new audience very quickly.

2. Social Media – You don’t need to resort back to traditional phone systems if you’re hoping for a referral. Contrary to what some may believe, old marketing tactics can coincide with new age methods. If you love social media, be sure that you have sharing buttons for all of your readers. This makes it easy for customers and clients to send an online referral to all of their friends and family.

3. Compensation – Even though giving a referral is very easy, people will be more likely to do so if there is an incentive. If you can give someone five dollars off their next visit or a free consultation just for bringing in a friend, your referrals will skyrocket. This is probably the easiest way to bring in new customers and clients (while making your existing clients happy).

4. Simply Ask – It’s never a bad idea to remind existing customers and clients that referrals are appreciated. This can be as easy as reminding them when they leave—just put it into your “goodbye” spiel. If you have a good relationship with a specific customer, ask them directly if they know anyone who may be interested. You might be surprised how something so little can go such a long way.

5. Testimonials – Gathering testimonials is great because it allows those who want to help to do their part. Many customers will tell you they simply do not know anyone in the area or anyone who would need your products or services. The solution to this is to ask for a testimonial for your website or brochure. Have them sign a document saying you can use their words on your website, and you’re good to go. This is an indirect way to give a referral, but a referral nonetheless.

In the end, people will not blame your company for trying to step up its referral statistics. It’s an inexpensive and successful way to grow a brand. In other words, looking to the past may benefit your company more than looking to the future in 2012.

Photo Credit:,,

Amanda DiSilvestro is a writer on topics ranging from social media to telemarketing. She writes for an online resource that gives advice on topics including customer referrals to small businesses and entrepreneurs for Resource Nation.

Originally posted on December 14, 2011 @ 11:13 am

5 Tips for Improving Your Verbal Communication Skills

Verbal communication is the backbone of our existence. In order to do anything, you have to be able to verbally communicate with people. Of course, if you can speak you can communicate. However, do you communicate well? Even if you are a full-time blogger or freelancer, you’ll eventually have to pick up the phone or talk to a customer face-to-face. Being able to communicate effectively with others is a tremendous asset for everything from negotiating with service providers to trying to land a new job or promotion in the workplace. Continue reading

Originally posted on October 22, 2011 @ 7:59 pm

Why Graphic Design Contests are so useful

If you are looking for an effective graphic design for your own website and are not really happy to outsource the work to any of the available freelancers, then you may sufficiently think about the option of throwing open graphic design contests at various levels. These contests ensure that you get the right graphic design for your website.

Holding graphic design contests has its own benefits and advantages. One of the most important benefits of holding such contests is that you will have a good number of graphic designs at your disposal so that you can start your own business of providing web design and graphic design to other websites as well. All the competitors of the contests will be sufficiently compensated of course. If they are sufficiently compensated for their creations they cannot exercise any sort of right over them anymore. Hence you can conduct your own business of graphic design. It is also for sure that such contests will attract good number of designers from across the globe. The good the designs the better it would be for the blogs or websites. Web design has an active part to play in the positioning of the website in the search pages across the Internet.

As a matter of fact web design along with methods like article marketing, forum posting, link building and other forms of organic traffic building methods is very vital as far as the search engine optimization techniques are concerned. Graphic web design is no exception.

Originally posted on March 29, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

Getting Others to Talk About You

The biggest part of my new job as Community Manager for PicApp is to find people interested in what the company has built and get them to use it or at least talk about it. This has proven far more difficult than I ever could have imagined.

Even if you have a great product, you have to find ways to cut through the noise to get their attention, and even then, most bloggers are very apprehensive due to the constant battle they need to participate in against spam.


The first piece of advice that just about anyone gets when it comes to promoting anything is to network, but if you are new, or even a reasonably well known person online with a new product to talk about, it can be very difficult to network.

Some might think that I had an easy time promoting PicApp thanks to the contacts I made while blogging full time, but you would be wrong. Most of the people I know aren’t really able to help because their blogs don’t fall within the niches that can really use or discuss PicApp, and so while I did have some help from friends, much of what I had to do was from scratch.

Find Thought Leaders
One of the best things that I have done in my attempts to get people to talk about what I am doing is to focus in on the thought leaders. They might not run the most popular blogs, but they sway the opinion of a group of people, and that is very valuable in building any brand.

To find them, go to blog directories, blog search engines, and top blog lists and look for the top blogs in the niche you want to gain exposure in. For the longest time, I contacted some people that I know well listed higher up in the list, as they are other blogs in the same niche as this one, and I thought I would have a better chance of them recognizing me, and as such, being easier to approach.

Ask, Don’t Tell
When starting out networking with people, if you want them to look at something, make sure you write in a passive tone, and ask them, rather than telling them. If you write your e-mail, instant message, twitter, or other digital message in a way that doesn’t sound friendly, happy, and interested in their benefit first, then most likely your correspondence will hit their trash bin.

Don’t Spam
Keep track of who you contact, and don’t contact them again. If they didn’t respond, they probably weren’t interested. If you continually contact them, you will just be seen as another spammer, and bloggers will rightfully call you on that in their blog, making you and whatever you are trying to get attention for look bad.

Don’t Pressure
Remember, even if you have the best product in the world, you need their help more than they need whatever it is you want to talk to them about. Bloggers don’t like to feel pressured into anything, and their spam defenses go on overdrive when there is an inkling of urgency or pressure.

Your communications should respect their time, their focus, and their busy schedule. If they are unable to participate, you shouldn’t be making them feel like it would be a mistake, but instead be understanding.

Make Friends

The biggest help that I received early on was from my friends. Even people who ran blogs outside the normal target audience of the PicApp service took up a call to arms for me. Some of them did it out of kindness and friendship, while others I traded with. I used my skills in writing, WordPress, and other things I know to barter with some of my friends, making it more of a mutual deal, rather than me just “using” them.

Nothing Wrong Reciprocation
Some people that I have talked to think that it is kind of rude that people only do things for others when they know they will get something in return, but this helps takes care of those in society who continually leech off the backs of others for their own needs.

To do something helpful for a friend may free up the time they need to do something for you, and it becomes mutually beneficial, especially when they have skills or resources you are lacking and vice versa.

Work Together Towards Mutual Goals
Pretty much anyone publishing content online has a goal. It might be a small one or a very large one, but if you can find ways to work together with friends towards a mutual goal, sometimes that is the sweetest collaborations of all.

I have worked with a friend before on a link bait that would highlight his site, but was published on my site. This gained me traffic, links and exposure, of which was then filtered through to him. It was a great way to help each other out and worked out beautifully.

Attend Events

There are so many conferences and events for pretty much any niche or topic, and participating in one way or another can really drive eyeballs to the work you are trying to do. You don’t have to be a big sponsor to have events pay off dividends in building a brand, but you do need to have some sort of presence at an event to make an impact.

Research Events
It can be really intimidating going to events for the first time, as every event is different. Each conference and event that I have attended has a different dynamic, audience, and sets of groups. Navigating these can become much easier with a little preplanning.

Will you need to bring business material, marketing handouts, technical information, or just some business cards, pens and paper, as well as a smile and a firm handshake? Bring the wrong things and you will be unable to market yourself or your products effectively.

Ask Bloggers in Similar Niches What They are Attending
One issue I realized early on is that there are more events and conferences than you could ever possibly know about, and they aren’t always promoted well, and so asking friends, network connections or even competition which events they are attending will help you build a list of events you might want to attend.

I can’t even list the number of conferences I have found out about thanks to word of mouth through my network connections, and most of them were only told to me once I specifically asked what was available or what they were planning on attending.

Contact Interesting Attendees and Schedule Meetings
To make the most of each and every event you want to attend, make sure to find out the guest list, and try to schedule a few meetings. There will be lots of networking between sessions, in hallways, and afterwards, but it can be hard to get two words in sometimes unless you set some time aside. I make sure to try to do this in a casual way with friends and network connections, but it is something I am still working on myself.

Making sure to set some time aside where the focus is completely on what you wanted to discuss can mean the difference between a memorable meeting and a quick in-the-hall discussion.


If you don’t ask people, you’ll never open up the possibility that they will say “yes”. There are many bloggers who I barely had a relationship with that I asked to look over PicApp and provide me feedback. Some decided to do it privately via e-mail, and others published about it on their blog. Both responses were very helpful, and were a big part of the upcoming advances in the PicApp platform.

If I hadn’t asked them, then I would not have had the information that PicApp needed and wouldn’t have been as effective in my job.

It never really hurts to ask, as the worst thing they can say or do is nothing. Even negative press through contacting people you don’t know well can be handled, and might point out things that friends and network contacts were too polite to say.


Getting people to talk about PicApp and the great things they are doing is definitely much harder than coming up with blog posts ever was, and while I think it is only getting harder and harder to stand out from the noise and get messages out their to the people and audiences you hope to inspire and connect with, I still believe that with patience, persistence, and planning, anyone can get their message heard.

Originally posted on August 30, 2011 @ 11:32 am