Category Archives: Communication

5 Communication Methods To Help With Online Marketing

Marketing is all about communication. So, strictly from a verbal standpoint, it can help your perspective to consider that online marketing is all about online communication. Though you don’t want to narrow yourself to just that specific way of thinking, at the very least it will help you think about what sort of communication style you want to use if you are trying to reach people through nontraditional media.

For instance, if you do things like embrace the idea of video conferences, learn to be virtually conversational, always keep your audience preferences in mind, maintain a balance of listening is aching in the virtual realm, and make it a point not to forget about the importance of attention span, then you will have a lot of online advantages without a whole lot of effort initially. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 23, 2017 @ 7:36 am

How to Best Improve Your Online Store’s Social Media Campaign

You’re doing your best to improve your online store’s social media campaign. You’ve gone live, you’ve added video, you’ve been sure to spread your posts to help and make them go viral. But still, you feel as though there’s more you could be doing to improve the state of your online store’s social media campaign. We understand. That’s why we have this selection of tips that we have to offer you in order to get your online store’s social media campaign going. Once you use these tips, you’ll be better equipped to handle your own social media campaign.

In this post, we’re going to give you a selection of tips that will help you to get your online site’s social media campaign going. Continue reading

Originally posted on March 7, 2017 @ 10:03 am

Hacks to Increase Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are the key to a productive workplace and a successful enterprise. You need them to be enthusiastic, dedicated, and involved in their work for the speedy accomplishment of your business objectives.

According to Gallup, companies with engaged employees receive higher EPS (Earnings per Share) than those without.
Unfortunately, the subpar employee engagement rates worldwide have barely moved since 2000. That’s because, rather than investing on programs that improve engagement, a lot of managers are more concerned about running surveys and getting “encouraging” results. Continue reading

Originally posted on January 11, 2017 @ 8:09 am

Successful Bloggers Focus on a Niche

Thousands of people just like you start a blog every year. So why do only a handful of them ever earn any money at it? And why are even fewer able to make a living from blogging?

There are many possible reasons why bloggers fail, but one of the most essential involves choosing the right subject matter. The Internet is oversaturated with websites, blogs, and content. If you’re trying to make a name for yourself while trying to cover a vast field, then you’re essentially playing the lottery and hoping to strike it rich. Continue reading

Originally posted on November 15, 2016 @ 9:07 am

Why Language Matters: The SEO Consequences Of News and Reviews

Search engine optimization doesn’t just start and stop with your original post. There’s a ton more that goes into it, and those additional factors are often overlooked or passed by in terms of more classical approaches of the standard things like post titles, keyword density, headlines, tagging, and photo titling.

But, after that first pass of appropriate attention, there are lots of new ways that you can keep your SEO score up relevantly as well, and that’s through the handling of news and reviews, and the conversations that can come out of them. Consider the following five categories in order to help you understand why the language of those additions to your post matter significantly. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 8, 2016 @ 2:47 am