Category Archives: Traffic

Forgetting to Check Secondary Stats

Something completely out of character for me has happened: I went without checking my secondary stats for this site for over two weeks. What that means is that I didn’t check my Alexa rank, Technorati rank, nor my Feedburner stats for over two weeks now. For someone that usually checks them every day, sometimes twice a day (yes, I know most don’t update that often), that is definitely strange, and for me, there was a side effect to not checking these things: my posting level went down.

Sure, it was the holiday season and all, but it isn’t like I didn’t have Internet access. Not only that, but I had plenty to post about, and now after checking my stats, I see that the lack of posting has created a sharp dip downwards, making me feel a little like I have put myself behind the eight ball, and should spend a fair bit of time producing content over the coming days.

For me, how I am doing with a blog helps spur me into action. I want to see continuous growth, even if that growth is only one more unique visitor in a month, for me, that is a success.

So, for some people, moving away from checking their stats has been said to improve productivity by freeing up more time to write, but for me, and probably many others, not checking your stats can decrease your drive to produce, so don’t forget to look at how you are doing every once and a while, and remember that even one more person over a previous month is growth.

Originally posted on January 4, 2008 @ 5:54 pm

Small Traffic Boost From Digg

Yesterday, this blog was fortunate enough to get to the front page of Digg. Thankfully, I had everything all ready to go and the site weathered the minor Digg storm just fine.

The story was Understanding Search Engine Penalties, and it has received over 300 votes.

The traffic was pretty great, didn’t really receive many links or anything, the comments on Digg, were less than nice, and even some of the ones I received here were pretty negative.

All in all, it worked out nicely in my favour, and brought in enough traffic that eXtra for Every Publisher has in ten days beaten the previous high traffic month, December 2007, by over 6,000 unique visitors.

My traffic so far this month stands at:
Unique Visitors – 29,693
Page Views – 83,933

I am very happy, and I can’t wait to see if there are any reasonably long term effects from getting on the front page of Digg, and for once, not getting buried. Blogs, especially like this one, rarely see the front page of Digg, and so that definitely made me feel a little special.

A huge thanks to all the people that voted the story up, and enjoyed the article and Celebrity Cowboy for being so great and letting me analyze their site.

Originally posted on January 10, 2008 @ 8:17 pm

Traffic Boom to Start January

I am always amazed at how slow the advertising requests trickle in as I continue to build up this site. In the last four and a quarter days, this site has already had 7000 unique visitors, and over 18,000 page views. At two dollars per thousand advertisement impressions, a rate that is low by todays standards, I could be asking for over $36 just for the last four days, and my traffic should only continue to swell as I put my nose to the grindstone in building up this blog.

If you haven’t taken a look at the advertising options on this site, January is a perfect time, as I have slashed advertising prices in half. Check out my previous advertising special post for pricing details. My most expensive advertising position this month is $30 US, a great bargain.

For those of you that have contributed to the insane growth I continue to see, I owe you all a huge debt of thanks, and I am happy that you are enjoying the posts I publish. If these last few days are any indication, I think 2008 might go against what I have previously said (Blogging in 2008: Time to Worry?), and knock my socks off.

Originally posted on January 5, 2008 @ 6:59 am

Reddit Users Love AltSciFi

AtlSciFiI have to admit, the thought of launching another blog wasn’t something I was overly excited about, but I love talking about science fiction, and so AltSciFi was born. I have been writing many opinion pieces on it, and will continue to do so while adding in news reports, short stories and other science fiction related content.

The site, just recently started, and is already doing amazing. That is in part thanks to my marketing efforts, and in a big way thanks to all the great people on Reddit that gave an article submitted on there a thumbs up.

Currently, the site has received more traffic from Reddit than any other traffic source leading up to this day.

Who would have guessed that there were some science fiction geeks on Reddit? I couldn’t be happier, and for me it really continues to prove that different social promotion sites have very different audiences, and as such will promote or bury stories based on those likes and dislikes.

Anyone know of any science fiction related digg-like sites? And don’t forget to check out AltSciFi and let me know what you think.

Originally posted on November 20, 2007 @ 6:50 pm

Run Out of Content: Fake a Hack

What do you do when you run out of things to say and are slowly losing traffic? Fake a blog hack! Well, at least that is what John Cow has done.

If you visit the blog, you will be redirected to an image that says the blog has been hacked and that if the hacker doesn’t get $100 in the next twenty-four hours, the cow will be cooked to well done.

Some people find the “hack” funny, and others are not impressed as advertisers lose eyeballs during this time.

Also, if you are wondering whether or not John Cow has done this to his own site, the fact that the Paypal button on the “hacked” page submits $1 to [email protected] kinda clinches the deal.

No doubt he is getting many links, and a fair bit of traffic from this whole thing. I have to admit, the owner of John Cow is a marketing genius.

Originally posted on November 6, 2007 @ 8:23 pm