Tag Archives: e-commerce

How to Ensure Your Website Displays Well on Tablets

It’s 2013 already and for those running a business, have you checked if your website is mobile-friendly? If you haven’t done so, it’s time to do it now.
With a rapidly growing number of people turning to the smartphones and tablets these days, you need to keep abreast with technology and making your website mobile-friendly is the way to go. You may think that just because you have a website, it will automatically display correctly on iPhones and tablets. But the truth is, there’s a big difference.

Keep in mind that these portable and handheld gadgets have a smaller screen size and what you see on your regular desktop or laptop computer screen will naturally be smaller when viewed on tablets and smartphones.

In terms of tablets alone, there are now 70 million users in the U.S. Traffic to e-commerce sites from this device also went up by 348 percent for one year alone, from 2011 to 2012.
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Originally posted on January 9, 2013 @ 3:17 am