Category Archives: Writing

5 Tips For Blogging About Environmental Concerns

Blogging about environmental concerns is very important and serves a very honorable purpose in today’s day and age. However, as much as you care about certain topics, you won’t get a great following until you know how to present your case.

To do that, consider the following five tips that will help you remain focused and reliable during your writing and presenting process – follow the money trail when researching environmental issues, check every single fact that you write about, dig deep until you find resources you trust, whenever possible, use strong images to drive traffic to your stories, and pick the tone of the words you use very carefully.

woman blogging about environment

Follow the Money Trail

The money, the money, the money, you must follow the money as an environmental blogger! For instance, when talking about solar energy vs. oil, find a resource that talks about how investments in solar change with oil prices. It’s fascinating to see how things are linked together when it comes to environmental factors and the money that produces results that actually will change cultures over time. Those dollar signs are often the bottom line. Continue reading

Originally posted on August 19, 2015 @ 1:59 am

Finding Ways to Publish Your Own Book

Not a few writers or aspiring writers want their written work published. Who wouldn’t want to see the fruits of their labor seen and hopefully appreciated by the public? It is but a natural desire. So what are the ways of having a book published?

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The Traditional Way

The traditional way of publishing a book has always been limiting since the decision to publish would depend on publishers. Authors will have to find an agent who will essentially act as the go-between. This would necessitate going through an established industry procedure which has an end goal of having the book published for public readership.

This option when agreed upon by the author and the publisher confers upon the latter the right to publish while providing the former the advantage of being paid royalties from the sales. Since it would be the publisher who will be shouldering the expenses for publishing, the usually rigorous process that has to be undergone by the author to have his work published is readily understandable. However, there is another option available for authors which is to self-publish.


Self-publishing or the option to publish a book or any written work minus the traditional publishers’ route has many variations. The author can choose to shoulder the expenses for publishing while retaining ownership of the book and the right to receive profits from it. It can also be a half-half deal wherein an established publisher and the author agrees to pay their respective portions for the expenses in publishing the book. There are other options in between but one thing is clear. Self-publication requires that an author has ready funds to finance the book publication or at least have access to actual financing.

There is one option for authors who have exceptional material in their hands but have been effectively blocked by lack of funding. There is a platform called the Kickstarter which aims to bring together innovative creators of projects related to art, comics, dance, design, fashion, film and video, food, games, music, photography, publishing, technology, and theater and possible financial backers for projects. For authors, the publishing category should be of special significance.

Getting that Funding

The primary obstacle to hurdle here is the creation of a worthwhile project which can be seen by financial backers in the same light. There are no strict criteria except perhaps for having the potential to be appreciated by the public. One of the more successful publishing proposals submitted to Kickstarter in terms of obtaining financing goals is the “To Be or Not to Be: That is the Adventure” Project. It basically makes use of the title’s ready association to Shakespeare and then mixes it up a bit to become a choosable-path adventure.

The more interesting part of projects like this is that successful proposals will most likely result to published works. The public will have the chance to buy Kickstarter products through various outlets including Kickstarter store of ForeverGeek for example. In more ways than one, having a book published through Kickstarter provides advantages to the author.


Originally posted on November 15, 2014 @ 6:47 pm

5 Content Marketing Habits You Need to Use for Your Biz

Using social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube has become the go-to strategy for today’s top brands. However, according to a recent study published by the Content Marketing Institute, about half of the marketing industry still struggles to create an effective content marketing campaign.

From plumbing companies to graphic design firms, every business can tap into a vast well of potential customers if they look away from traditional methods of marketing and focus on content marketing on the web. Here are five efficient marketing habits that you need to employ for your business’s success. Continue reading

Originally posted on October 23, 2015 @ 7:57 am

Creating an Impressive Reputation Even if You’re Self-Published

It has long been a practice for publishers to provide all-out support to writers they sign up. Included in this support is helping create and establish an impressive reputation befitting of the hype that seeks to be created for greater public interest on the published work. A lot of writers will definitely never get a crack in this kind of opportunity.  With the advent of self-publication, many opportunities have been opened. Today, just about anyone can publish his or her work online but not everyone will be able to impress.

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So how does one create an impressive reputation without the backing of traditional and well-oiled publishers?

Offer a Solid Foundation

One of the more easily accessed ways of self-publishing is through blogs. Blogs provide an excellent venue for developing writing skills while being able to gauge the reaction of the public. Before you embark on writing that book you have been dreaming of, extensive practice in the use of your preferred language is highly advisable. You can even offer a guest blogging service  to test the waters even more. The acceptance of your work in reputable blogs is a good sign that you are on the right track.

Offer Quality

Those who seek to be self-published writers should not lower their standards of quality just because there is no publisher approval being sought. Self-publishing requires even more care in producing written work. Self-published authors usually wear all the hats in relation to the task. The one task though that should still be given to another person is editing the work. No author can efficiently edit his own work. Mistakes in blogs are easily corrected when spotted. Authors will probably will have to live with mistakes on printed books forever. As for e-books, a mistake not spotted early enough can drastically affect a writer’s reputation. First impressions really do matter. It is much easier to create a new image than to refurbish a tarnished image. The services of a professional editor is worth the price if you want professional results.

Offer Professionalism

Self-published authors should come out as professional as traditionally-published writers, if not more. The fact that you are probably a one man team, acting as the writer, agent, marketer, and publisher, is enough to earn respect, when done right. It can easily go the other way however, if you do not play your cards right. Resist mediocrity and laxity and earn your reputation by defining who you are.

Originally posted on January 20, 2015 @ 3:13 am

Self-publishing: Best Option for First Time Authors

Writing and publishing a book in print form can be costly. Apart from the cost, it can be difficult to find a publishing company willing to risk on a new writer who’s not yet established in the market.

But thankfully, new authors now have digital tools to use to help them in their venture. So if doing a print book is not within your budget, self-publishing is your best option and doing an ebook is the way to go. This way, you will know the real score without having to spend much money and deal with a third party such as the publisher.

According to Guy Kawasaki, co-author of APE: How to Publish a Book, with the publishing industry not in good shape, authors can do away with the traditional way of doing a physical book and instead should focus on creating a digital book. With this kind of book, it’s easy to market it and sell it online. You’ll also provide interested readers the convenience in buying and reading what you’ve written and gain knowledge from it. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 11, 2013 @ 9:11 am