Category Archives: Blog Network Tips

Joining Blog Networks the Smart Way

Joining a blog network these days has become a less attractive option due to the recent penalization of blog networks by Google. The whole idea of joining a blog network after all is to supposedly help you position either your blog or yourself in a way that will increase your reach and build your link profile. Instead, due to the countless low quality (even downright spammy) blog networks in existence, joining a blog network indiscriminately may lead to disastrous results.

If you plan on joining a blog network, either as a blogger for existing blogs on a network, or to have your blog added as part of the network, you’d better exercise caution so that you end up with a network that will truly help you reach your goals.

Some warning you should watch out for when joining blog networks include:

  • Poor content – If the blog network offers poor content, stay away. You don’t want to be associated with anything that will diminish your reputation instead of build it up. Read the actual posts and you can easily see whether they are publishing spun content or are using ghost bloggers that do not even have a good command of the English language. In addition to these, many of the blogs are not even thematic and will write about any topic, which is a sign that they are accepting payment to link to sites, and as we know they will get penalized if caught.
  • Ugly pages – Most link farms disguising as blog networks use templates that they do not bother to customize at all.
  • No information about the people behind it – You will find that the best blog networks have “real” people behind them. Stay away from blog networks without decent write ups on the authors/bloggers and do not even provide proper contact information.

Image via CrunchyNow

Originally posted on March 30, 2012 @ 3:24 am

Online Safety Tips Publishers Should Keep in Mind

Update and modify. By now, this should be the standard operating procedure (SOP) of every publisher as well as business owners who operate on the web and even private individuals who have various accounts on the internet.

Similar to the real world, one’s safety online should be of a top priority. It pays to be vigilant and not end up a victim of scams, frauds and identity theft.


Statistics show that internet scam complaints from 2005 to 2009 went up from 100,000 per year to almost 300,000. The top scams include identity theft, FBI-related scams, miscellaneous fraud, advance fee fraud and spam. Most of these scams come from the U.S. (65.9%), the U.K. (10.4%) and China (3.1%).
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Originally posted on February 8, 2013 @ 9:37 pm

Tapping Blog Networks for Personal Brand Building

Joining blog networks is one way you can go about building your personal brand. By joining blog networks though, I don’t mean simply commenting on everyone else’s post and being super active in a blog network community. Sure, active participation in that way is good, especially since people do appreciate (useful and relevant) feedback. However, if you really want to look more than just a fan boy that’s trying to get your foot in, you have to become a regular writer/poster for the blog network.

The problem with this scenario is that in most cases the reputable blog networks will only allow those who are already pretty well know in their niche to guest post. Because of this you either have to look for a lesser known blog network that is more lenient in their guest poster criteria, or join huge networks that accepts blog posts from all their members but only chooses to move up a few (Think SEOmoz’s YouMoz section).

Whichever kind of blog network you decide to latch on, what your primary concern should be that the blog network you join is in the niche you specialize in or are interested in. Remember, if your goal is personal brand building it is more than the links that goes with blog networks that you are after. It won’t do you any good to guest post in blogs where your lack of expertise will shine a bad light on you. Not only that, but it’ll be a waste of your time because the audience is not your target audience anyway.

Image via TechTipsforCatholics

Originally posted on January 30, 2012 @ 11:46 pm

Writing Your First Blog Post

Ask any writer and they’ll tell you the same thing — the beginning is always the hardest part of any written piece. You may have the most detailed picture of what you want to say in your head but putting down those first words on paper (or on MS Word) could be like pulling teeth. The problem is only compounded with the short, encapsulated nature of blog posts. What do you really write about on your first post in your blog?

Fortunately, there are some good suggestions and ideas that you can glean from the blogs of other people. The most common start would be to just a small greeting or introduction. This probably one of the most popular ways of starting a blog. A simple “hi, this is my blog!” post is one of the most common you’ll see on the internet. It’s a no-nonsense way of kicking off a blog. But some bloggers may not want to start off their blogs in this manner. Fortunately, there are also “fancier” ways of starting a blog.

You can start a blog by introducing yourself. Since most blogs are personal in nature, giving a backgrounder on yourself will give your readers a fair idea of why you have a particular perspective about certain topics that you’ll eventually discuss in your blog. You don’t need an exhaustive biography, just touch on the important facts that will help readers get to know you more.

You can also decide to give the raison d’etre of your blog. Write about why you started it, and what motivated you to do so. Personally, I think this is the best way of starting a blog. It gives the readers the lay of the land, so to speak. They’ll already know beforehand what to expect from your blog, which could pull in more like-minded readers. For example, if you say that your blog will be about your perspective as non-US citizen on the Obama Administration’s policies, it will surely attract people who are looking to read about what your thoughts will be on future issues.

An ingenious way of starting a blog is picking out one of those memes that are all over the net. Try to find a meme that is related to the topic of your blog, this will be a great way of giving a bird’s eye view of your views and also what to expect in future blog posts.

Originally posted on August 16, 2011 @ 8:17 pm

Working for a Blog Network

This is my second stint at a Blog Network. My last one ended due to the recession. It was a reminder of the gossamer thread nature of work we live in. It was well illuminating and today I would like to share a few things I have learned.

First, Once you begin working for a blog network the first post you have to do is for that blog network. It is a commitment you do after signing on. So plan your posts ahead of everything else. Even during holidays and vacations.

Second, After writing and fullfilling your commitment to the blog network write your post for your blog. There is saying that there is no such thing as an everlasting Banquet in the Sun. And one day your stint at a blog network might reach its end and you will be left with nothing but your blog. So do not give it up.

For me these two things are probably the most important things to remember when working for a blog network. Of course there are things that one should also consider – the contract and terms of agreements to name one. Always keep your back covered.

Anyway, Once you begin working for a blog network enjoy your stint but do not forget to keep on blogging on a personal level and keep your roots intact. If you know what I mean.

There is no such thing as an Everlasting Banquet Under the Sun.

Originally posted on January 31, 2011 @ 10:49 pm