Tag Archives: online marketing

4 Online Marketing Tips for the Constrained Budget

The advent of the internet brought about countless new job opportunities and prospects. Unfortunately, all of those voices straining to be heard can make it hard to stand out as a new and inventive small business. Online marketing has grown and evolved in recent years and offers many new opportunities that utilize both mass marketing and personal approaches.

While the opportunities are numerous, online marketing, like most things, takes time and funding. So what about the small business owner limited on funds? Included here are a few online tips for those with a constrained budget. Continue reading

Originally posted on February 15, 2016 @ 8:19 am

These Simple SEO And Online Marketing Tips Will Work For You

When it comes to SEO and online marketing, many people spend a ton of time trying to get all technical. While it does help to know all the jargon and to get down to the nitty gritty of it all, just doing the simple things can get you views and conversion too. Of course, knowing the analytical side of things can help you know how many views and conversions, but if you are just getting started, or you’re a small business without much time or money, just doing the simple things will help.

Even when you do the smallest things, like promote on social media or use location keywords, you are making leaps and bounds in your overall online marketing scheme. So, without further ado, here are a few things you better still be doing, even if they seem circumstantial. Continue reading

Originally posted on March 16, 2016 @ 3:15 am