Category Archives: Branding

3 Tips for Marketing To Brides Online

If you have a business that falls in the wedding industry, you could be poised to make a lot of money for yourself. However, while this industry makes a lot of money each year, it’s also very competitive. To set yourself apart and get a portion of this market share, you’ve got to know how to make your online presence flourish. So whether you’re selling bridal jewelry or have your own catering business, it’s vital that you know how to showcase your products or services effectively online. To help with this, here are three tips for marketing to brides online. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 4, 2018 @ 9:21 am

3 Ways To Better Communicate To Your Target Audience With Your Online Ads

With the number of people spending hours and hours each day online, it only makes sense for businesses to spend a larger portion of their marketing and advertising resources on online prospects. However, knowing you want to attract people to your business using the Internet is a lot easier than actually getting in touch with those people and getting conversions. So to help businesses struggling with this exact dilemma, here are three ways you can better communicate with your target audience through your online ads. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 21, 2017 @ 6:46 pm

Online Marketing Made Easy With These Helpful Hints

Online marketing is much different from traditional marketing efforts. Today, businesses small and large have more tools and places to market their services or products than ever before. Traditional print advertisements are often expensive, while digital marketing is typically more affordable, or even free.

The challenge is to stand out among the noise on popular search engines. Internet users have a large amount of control over exactly what they see online. The trick is to understand what they are seeking. Take a moment to look over this short summary of a few online marketing tips made easy. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 12, 2017 @ 10:25 pm

4 Easy Web Design Tips for Small Businesses

Small businesses regardless of their niche need to have a website to establish an online presence. It is a must these days and should not be taken for granted.

A website need not be too complicated because a simple one can go a long way in reaching out to your target audience. In fact if you are resourceful and patient enough, you can do it on your own instead of hiring a web designer which can be costly. There are many free and user-friendly tools available today that require no technical background in building your initial website. Continue reading

Originally posted on December 14, 2016 @ 9:32 am

3 Tips for Finding A Great Online Marketer To Hire

Online marketing: It can’t be that difficult to figure out on your own, right? I can find time to do all the online stuff in addition to everything else I’m doing for my business, right? I’ll pick up the jist of it over the weekend and start implementing everything come Monday back at the office, right?


If you’re in business for yourself or need some marketing help when it comes to digital marketing, your best bet is likely going to be bringing in reinforcements. While it definitely is possible to educate yourself on what works and what doesn’t with SEO and online marketing, this is going to be one heck of an uphill battle for you. So rather than spend your valuable time on this venture, consider acquiring the help you need to get on this path sooner rather than later. And to help you do just that, here are three tips for finding a great online marketer to hire.

Know What You Can Afford

The first thing you’re going to want to figure out is what you can afford for online marketing. This will determine whether or not you can afford to hire someone to work in-house for you or if you should consider working with an agency of some kind. According to Josh Steimle, a contributor to, if you have $15,000 or less to spend per month, an agency will likely be your best bet. But if you can afford to hire someone into your company and pay them well enough to keep them around, this may prove to be more beneficial to you due to their undivided attention to your individual business.

Know What Skills You Want

There are a lot of different facets to online marketing. And while having a Jack-of-all-trades might sound like what you want, you may actually only need someone with a few specific skills. Some of the most commonly sought after digital marketing skills, according to Javier Sanz, a contributor to, are SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media, coding, analytics, and email marketing. The more skills someone has, the more expensive they will be, so find out what you need to be most effective and hire someone who’s proficient in those particular skill sets.

Know What Your Goals Are

Without knowing what you want to achieve with your online marketing efforts, any person or agency you hire isn’t going to be as effective as they can be. For this reason, it’s vital that you have some online goals laid out that you want your company to achieve through your digital marketing work. According to Jonathan Long, a contributor to, these goals may include increased sales, stronger social presence, brand awareness, or a larger blog following. Not only will having clear goals make the work more focused, but it will also help you to know if your hiring choice is working out or not.

If you’re wondering how to get your ducks in a row before hiring someone to help your company with online marketing, use the tips mentioned above to begin preparing today.

Originally posted on November 21, 2016 @ 9:51 am