Author Archives: Ina

The Most Efficient & Affordable 50 Web Tools For Online Entrepreneurs

Small companies with limited budgets succeed in launching all kinds of online businesses and apps by using smart and useful web tools and services.

In this article, we reviewed the best 50 tools for online entrepreneurs. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect – Continue reading

Originally posted on August 5, 2022 @ 5:40 am

5 Topic Ideas For Bloggers

If you are a blogger, content creator, or writer of any sort, you have surely experienced times where you have trouble coming up with topic ideas for new blogs or content. Even though there are so many possible topic ideas out there, some may feel like they have been done way too much already, or others may be things you don’t know enough about to be comfortable blogging about.  Continue reading

Originally posted on June 6, 2021 @ 5:03 pm

3 Tips For Writing Better Content In 2022

Writing quality content can really help take your brand and your business to the next level. And with all of the content that’s circulating on the Internet on any given day, you’re really going to need to put in some extra effort to ensure that your content is rising above the fray.  Continue reading

Originally posted on March 4, 2022 @ 12:47 am

Tips For Marketing Your Products And Services

When it comes to business marketing you want to sometimes put your focus on something more singular, and not just on your company as a whole. Most of the marketing you do is likely to get your business name out, but when you have a new product or service that is launched or you want extra attention for, you will do some marketing that revolves strictly around that item.

Sometimes that focus is just what you need to increase product or service sales, or to get someone’s attention. Your business name is still getting out there, but you are also showing current and potential customers that you have something special that you want them to know about, and that it means enough to you to focus on, if only it for an ad or two.

Make A Specific Website For It

You can bet that the lawyers at Morelli Law Firm take on more than just talcum powder lawsuits, but in order to specify to victims that they are there to help for this specific need they have a website set up that is dedicated solely to this one need. You can do that as well, if you have a product or service that you want to bring direct attention to and not have lost in the shuffle of all of the others things your business offers.

Work With Social Media

You can start a page on Facebook for nearly anything. You can make videos and post them to YouTube. You can Instagram photos, Tweet about your day, and even create a board specifically for that one product or service on Pinterest. Do it!

People love social media, they love to review businesses on social media, and if you are advertising specific products and services in creative ways on social media they are going to get noticed. Cross promote from one social media outlet to others, as well. Make memes, create infographics, and do things that are shareable for the most views.

Create An Email And Texting Campaign

Email seems to go by the wayside more these days since social media seems to offer a more direct form of contact between business and customers, but it is still worth using when you can. Offer newsletters or email sign up for coupons. If you want to stick with the times, you can also do this with text blasts.

If people sign up through your website then you’ll know they want to receive these types of messages, but you still don’t want to overdo it. One email or text a week, or even one a month with a coupon, is plenty to peak their interest. Make those blasts about the products and services you want them to notice the most.

Originally posted on September 27, 2016 @ 2:15 am