Tag Archives: blogging tips

How to Take Your Humble Blog to the Next Level

There comes a time when every blogger hits a digital wall. The growth seemed slow, but promising at first. Then, all of a sudden – flatline. As frustrating as it is for hard working bloggers to accept, creating content in a content-saturated digital world for an audience with limited free time is a job that provides less-than-favorable odds.If your platform has been stagnant, there are writing sites like https://www.article-writing.co/, which offer useful tips on how to keep your readers curious about your blog content.

Tackle Each Social Media Platform Strategically

It’s easy for bloggers to bunch all social media platforms under the same umbrella. This pays no respect to the individual potential of each platform. If you’re looking to expand your blog’s reach, it’s important to treat each media channel as its own vehicle. If you suspect that your social media management hasn’t been as focused as it should be, it’s best to halt operations on all platforms and focus on one. Pick whichever is showing the best engagement, and pool all your efforts into it.

Establish a game plan for your platform of choice. Network to other bloggers and readers in your niche. Follow the example set by the greats.

As Forbes contributor Jimmy Rohampton offers, “Part of your strategy is attracting a large group of interested followers, but you don’t have to wait around for them to follow you. Be proactive about building the quality audience you want by following strategically. Look for people who are interested in or talk about topics related to your niche all the time.”

Invest in Traffic

It is a sad truth that the vast majority of blogs go by almost entirely unseen. They might serve as a small boost to the owner, but that won’t be sustainable until a foundational viewership is set. Taking the difficult road won’t always lead to the best results. In many cases, the smartest, most successful blogs were given their first break when they started paying for traffic. According to Huffington Post, “… there are limits to organic growth and paid traffic can boost an article’s overall reach.” If a post is already performing well, amplify it with a little boost in traffic. The post’s virality alone will expand its reach, bringing a potential slew of new readers your way.

Learn From Your Competitors

If pride is getting in the way of you taking a leaf from your competitor’s book, it’s best to put that aside. If a competitor seems to have acquired an edge, it’s probably because they’ve found an efficient tactic you’re not using.

For instance, say your competitor recently experienced a boost in traffic thanks to a guest post they’ve contributed to a blog with a sizeable following. If you’re keeping tabs on your competitor, you’ll be aware of their post, and you’ll be able to approach the publication with an idea for your own contribution. You get featured, the same traffic is redirected to you, and you’re once again standing at the same level as your competitor. Get far ahead enough in the game, and they’ll start spying on you for your own secrets.

Originally posted on October 20, 2017 @ 7:45 am

3 Tips For Getting Some Buzz Around Your New Business Website Or Blog

Launching a new business website or blog today, where there’s already so much going on on the Internet, can seem like you’re not even a drop in the bucket. But when your livelihood is at stake, it’s your determination for success that can really make the difference for you in creating a website or blog that will bring your ultimate success.

However, no one can find this success with just their drive alone. To really carve out a space for your new business website amidst so many others, you’ve got to find some way to make a splash. 

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Originally posted on July 17, 2019 @ 7:10 am

Tips For Bringing Traffic To Your Blog

When it comes to starting your own blog, it can be a great way to express yourself in ways that aren’t always possible verbally. In order to get the best experience out of your blog, however, it’s ideal to bring in traffic. This way a monologue becomes a dialogue, and you can exchange ideas and thoughts with your readers.

Eventually, if your blog starts to become popular enough, you can even start to monetize off of it with advertising or endorsements. In some cases, you may even be able to make a full time living off of a successful blog. Ready to get started? Here are some of the best ways to bring traffic to your blog and get you started on your path as a successful blogger. Continue reading

Originally posted on February 5, 2018 @ 3:54 am

Here Is How You Can Earn Cryptocurrency Through Blogging

Cryptocurrency, a digital asset that is designed to work as a means of exchange and uses cryptography to secure transactions (i.e. sending, receiving, and verifying the transfer of assets), has been one of the hot topics today. Particularly, because it makes it easier to transfer funds between two parties with minimal processing fees (as opposed to the steep charges of most banks and financial institutions for wire transfers) and along with its impressive security; it has immediately gained the interest of and popularity among financially-inclined individuals, particularly the investors.

Booming in 2017 and at present is continuously gaining an undeniably significant growth, it has become a focal point of a large number of audience and the mainstream media. Because of the hype, a lot of blogs, forums, and social media trends that are dedicated to the cryptocurrency market have started to emerge – in which you and your blog might be included (the very reason why you are here). Continue reading

Originally posted on March 13, 2018 @ 9:32 am

3 Tips for Creating Seasonal Blog Posts

If you’re committed to creating new content for your website on a consistent basis, it can be a real challenge to come up with new ideas or ways to write about things all within the same vein. Luckily, if you choose to write content that’s based on seasonal ideas, you can always have a new angle to twist to put on your content. The only problem with this is being able to set your content apart from everyone else’s. To help with this, here are three tips for creating seasonal blog posts.

Aim For Evergreen

Although writing seasonal post may seem like a simply solution, it may not serve you as well as you might assume. So rather than just creating easy content that’s only relevant for a very short period of time, Tara M. Clapper, a contributor to SEM Rush, recommends that you actually aim for making your content evergreen instead. This means that you give your seasonal content a spin so that it can be found useful to readers regardless of when they actually come upon it. Not only this, but if you create seasonal content that can be revisited by your viewers in subsequent years, this content may prove to be even more evergreen that you originally planned. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 24, 2018 @ 1:12 am