Category Archives: Marketing

3 Ways To Improve Your PPC Ads

One great way to get more exposure for your business and bring in more revenue is to advertise online using PPC, or pay-per-click. But because you have to pay in order to use this type of advertising, you want to be sure that you’re creating ads that are going to reach the optimal success rate for you. So to help ensure that you’re not wasting your hard-earned money, here are three ways that you can start to improve your PPC ads and make them more successful for your business.

Find Your High-Performing Keywords

To create PPC ads that are going to give you the biggest bang for your buck, you have to find out what keywords are going to perform the highest for you. According to Margot da Cunha, a contributor to, the keywords that are going to be high-performing for you are going to depending on what your key performance indicators are. Once you know which KPIs you’re looking for, you can narrow down which keywords will perform well in those areas and put more money behind those keywords. If you haven’t yet found out which of your desired keywords are performing the best, make sure you run some reports to find out. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 6, 2018 @ 2:56 am

Digital Marketing For Beginners

If you’re trying to promote a product, a company, a brand, or service, then whether you want to or not, you have to learn how to be a marketer. And because of the way most people absorb information these days, that means that you have to dive right into digital marketing is something you need to learn and practice. And it takes time to get to the advanced level, but you have to start somewhere.

In the beginning, you should start by understanding how search engine optimization works. After that, learn to follow social media best practices. From there, decide which platforms make the most sense for your digital marketing. And never forget that you want to create realistic goals to prevent frustration, especially in the early stages. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 19, 2018 @ 4:00 am

How to Increase Visitor Engagement with Your Site?

How to Increase Visitor Engagement with Your Site?

How to Increase Visitor Engagement with Your Site?

Creating a website for your business is a start and you will most likely pass through the eye of a needle in getting a consistent amount of visitors who actively engage with your site.

Keeping them longer on your site – that is how you start your engagement with them. To do that, we’ve listed some of the measures to take that will increase visitor engagement within your site:

1. Change the Theme of Your Site

For a website to keep and maintain visitors, its visual appearance must be appealing to them. Your website says a lot about your business and it gives that first impression that lasts. Be sure that important information is properly placed in your web pages and that you use professional looking and user-friendly themes.

Keep in mind that your website theme defines what your business is about and losing your potential customers just because you didn’t take your time (and money) enhancing how it looks is such a waste.

2. Make it Load Faster

Making your site load faster is important not only for user experience but also for ranking in Google. Sites with longer loading time tend to have higher bounce rates and low average user sessions.

Additionally, sites with over 2-seconds response-time is enough for Google to back-off in crawling other pages in that same site. With this in mind, your competitors with fast websites improve their ranking leaving you buried deep in Google search results.

This means that with a slow website you are not only losing a sale, but you’re also affecting your site’s overall performance. Impress your visitors by going that extra mile in making your website load as fast as it can, which will eventually land you sales and loyal customers.

3. Improve Your Website Copy

In creating a website, it is essential to have a good website copy that communicates what you want your visitors to do on your site. Copies should be precise and don’t leave your visitors confused, but encourages them to stay and find out what you can offer them.

People’s patience and attention span have dwindled tremendously. This means that with the few seconds of attention they give you, you must capture their interest and see you as something they need. Otherwise, you’ve just wasted an opportunity for them to convert.

4. Make Your Call-to-Action Buttons Big and Visible

Strong call-to-actions are what you use to grab the attention of your visitors. Create big and visible CTAs that stands out, but not big enough to lure them away because you look desperate. CTAs has been tagged as the ‘the most important part of a site’ by Soni of LoginRadius. When done correctly, it’s power in boosting conversion is not a secret to most website owners.

CTAs must be relevant to what your goals are. You don’t want to put a “Buy Now” button and direct it to a page that doesn’t involve buying. Most importantly, try to create different versions of your call-to-action buttons, this gives you ideas of what works best and what converts the most.


Testing and modifying each effort you use is one of the keys to your site’s development. Use Google Analytics to track how your visitors interact with your site, how long they stay, or what page they visit. It shows you a glimpse of your visitors’ behavior and gives you ideas of what to tweak next on your site to further their engagement with your site which ultimately awards you with a conversion.

Originally posted on July 9, 2017 @ 8:49 pm

3 Tips for Marketing To Brides Online

If you have a business that falls in the wedding industry, you could be poised to make a lot of money for yourself. However, while this industry makes a lot of money each year, it’s also very competitive. To set yourself apart and get a portion of this market share, you’ve got to know how to make your online presence flourish. So whether you’re selling bridal jewelry or have your own catering business, it’s vital that you know how to showcase your products or services effectively online. To help with this, here are three tips for marketing to brides online. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 4, 2018 @ 9:21 am