Tag Archives: social media

Using Marketing To Increase Your Sales

Marketing is meant to do many things for your business, aside from just getting your name out there. That is why there are so many different ways recommended to market a business, from the local to the global level. Each different marketing tactic reaches a different crowd and gives you a different result.

One result that should cross all forms of marketing is making the sale. If your marketing strategies aren’t converting into sales then you may be doing something wrong. Here are some things that might help you get back on track. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 4, 2016 @ 2:05 am

5 Ways To Get a Grip on Modern SEO Practices

Search engine optimization is a constantly evolving process, but it’s also absolutely vital that you get it right if you want to compete in the online world for attention, advertising revenue, or just traffic in general.

So, even if you think you have a handle on your own practices, go through the five following tips in order to make sure that none of your knowledge base contradicts some of the contemporary methods that have become the technical norm. Continue reading

Originally posted on December 10, 2015 @ 2:01 am

3 Essential Considerations for Online Publishers

These days, anyone can be an online publisher. That is not to say, however, that anyone can be successful as an online publisher. The tools are there. The costs are (relatively) low. The path to success, however, is not open to everyone.
That’s a dose of reality for you. Now, for a bit of good news: while success is not inherent in online publishing, with a little hard work and application of knowledge, you can still get where you want to go in this realm.

If you’re new to the world of online publishing, here are three essential considerations that will propel you on the road to success. Continue reading

Originally posted on December 11, 2014 @ 5:05 am

5 Tips For Effective Professional Websites That Use Social Media

Personal websites are one thing – they have a tremendous amount of freedom of expression, content, and format. Professional websites – sites that promote things like corporations, lawyers, doctors, or things like that – have a different tack they need to take concerning blogging and social media.

To prevent the worlds of the amateur and the professional from colliding on line, here are five observational tips to make sure your website stays up to snuff: think about how lawyers promote, think about how doctors present themselves, consider how technology and communication are changing, think of how different people perceive things nowadays, and think about transparency and trust.

professional websites

Think About the Lawyers

Lawyers have a tough job of it on the Internet, to try to get their selling points across. A cross-reference to problems lawyers have will give you the very basics of why it’s tough for them to compete against each other. If you’re in this group – don’t believe the hype, and instead go for the techniques that are proven to work despite what so-called ‘common sense’ might tell you or your law firm. Continue reading

Originally posted on August 5, 2015 @ 2:52 am