Category Archives: Business

Hacks to Increase Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are the key to a productive workplace and a successful enterprise. You need them to be enthusiastic, dedicated, and involved in their work for the speedy accomplishment of your business objectives.

According to Gallup, companies with engaged employees receive higher EPS (Earnings per Share) than those without.
Unfortunately, the subpar employee engagement rates worldwide have barely moved since 2000. That’s because, rather than investing on programs that improve engagement, a lot of managers are more concerned about running surveys and getting “encouraging” results. Continue reading

Originally posted on January 11, 2017 @ 8:09 am

3 Ways to Make Your Business More Accessible to Online Customers

Business has been completely transformed since the invention of the internet. Every day the game is changing, which means that businesses always have to be on the tip of their toes, keeping themselves nimble and quick and able to move with the quick changing tides that run the business empire. That much is either said than done, however.

The game of selling to customers face to face has been played by companies for years. Businesses were able to get a handle on the rules of the game and how to effectively push products and services on a physical platform, but since the invention of the internet, everything has been taken online, which means that the game has been transformed, and businesses have to learn new techniques. If you’re in this boat, here are 3 ways to make your business more accessible to online customers: Continue reading

Originally posted on December 13, 2016 @ 2:47 am

Five Steps To Creating A Business That Sells

When it comes to launching your own business it’s not just about having the money to get it going, although that is an important part of it, but it’s also about how you launch it and where you talk about it. It’s also about your business in general.

It may be fairly easy for you to get a small business loan, depending on your credit. If you have a really great business idea that people will love, you might even be able to get a good deal of donations through crowdfunding, which you won’t have to pay back. Continue reading

Originally posted on January 18, 2017 @ 2:33 am

5 Ways To Make Money With Online Marketing

There’s a push in today’s professional process to always have a side hustle. You can have your primary job, but if you want to make some extra scratch, there are a number of ways to do that utilizing options pulled out from the idea of online marketing. And really, the more creative you get with your marketing techniques, the less it matters what you’re actually selling.

For some examples, check out the following five ways to make money with online marketing, including being an Amazon affiliate, using Google AdSense, selling independent products, offering advertising to others, and working with the ideas of donations and tips. Continue reading

Originally posted on December 2, 2016 @ 2:42 am

Tips For Engaging People Online For Marketing Purposes

Marketing isn’t just about telling people things about your company or your brand. It’s also about engagement. It’s about getting thoughts and ideas back and forth from people who might be interested in exchanging their money, for your time and your products. It’s the engagement factor that will take you to the next level more quickly than just having an amazing thing that you do.

So five tips for creating this engagement consideration include asking questions and giving answers via your online presence, keeping FAQ sections available, making sure that your contact information is always easy to find, being sure to talk to people in the social media world, and always being sure to remember why SEO is the way that it is. Continue reading

Originally posted on December 15, 2016 @ 4:24 am