Category Archives: Marketing

Online Marketing and Appealing to the Viewer

Different companies will spend varying amounts of money on marketing. The point of the matter is that no matter how much a company spends on it, marketing is one of the most important aspects of the business. Marketing is how you get how you get the donut to the police officer. It’s how you get the video game to the nerd. Without it, nobody knows you or your product exists, and then what’s the point?

Marketing is a game in which you have to not only know the rules, you have to bend the rules and sometimes even make up the rules. One very important aspect of marketing is that you have to appeal to the viewer. If you fail to do so, again, there is no point. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 15, 2016 @ 8:51 am

5 Analytics Processes For Better Marketing Efficiency

You, as a marketer, should be screaming for more data. More data – I want more data! That should be your calling card and your siren song. But, data by itself isn’t enough. You need some way to organize and analyze that data in order to turn it into something useful. You need an action plan – to move numbers and statistics, into something you physically do to help out your marketing (and SEO if you’re smart about it).

So, particular types of analytics that you can use to do exactly this with all that gluttony of data that you’re gathering would include voice and messaging analytics packages, website analytics, keyword analytics, financial analytics, and feedback analytics. Together, these will help you be a superhuman marketing force, with numbers to back you up. Continue reading

Originally posted on July 11, 2016 @ 9:46 am

Using Media To Inspire Your Blog And Marketing Plan

People get inspiration from all over the place when it comes to creativity. Maybe you were inspired to start a particular business because of a song you heard, or maybe your favorite TV show inspired you to write your own story about aliens, monster, zombies, or witches. As media inspires you in your daily life, consider how you can use that inspiration in your work life.

Maybe you’ll be inspired to follow in the footsteps of someone on your favorite reality TV show, or maybe you’ll simply be inspired to be a better boss. Here are some interesting ways to use what you see and hear in the media as a way to market your business, through your blog and other online access points. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 10, 2016 @ 4:06 am

Using Marketing To Increase Your Sales

Marketing is meant to do many things for your business, aside from just getting your name out there. That is why there are so many different ways recommended to market a business, from the local to the global level. Each different marketing tactic reaches a different crowd and gives you a different result.

One result that should cross all forms of marketing is making the sale. If your marketing strategies aren’t converting into sales then you may be doing something wrong. Here are some things that might help you get back on track. Continue reading

Originally posted on May 4, 2016 @ 2:05 am

Four Tips For Marketing Your New Business

You started a new business and now it’s time to get it launched and let people know about you. For some small businesses, marketing is the hardest part. They don’t know where to start, what marketing tools they should enlist, and they don’t know how they are going to afford all of those tools either.

With the internet it has gotten easier to get your name out there, and it has opened up more free opportunities for marketing businesses of all kinds, and of all sizes. Mainly you just need to put in the time and energy. To get the most out of marketing, here are four tips to consider.

Pay For Advertising

First off, don’t neglect paying for advertising. While you can print your own simple business cards for what seems cheaper at home, paying someone else to do it can give you a more attractive, and professional, looking business card. If you feel as though you don’t have enough startup cash left to cover some small advertising fees, consider getting a small loan.

You can find great paid advertising online, through search engines like Google, and even through Facebook. And advertising with these companies is well worth it. You may also want to consider advertising in your own local papers, especially if your business has a brick and mortar entity.

Get Local

Speaking of local papers, don’t neglect your local crowd. Even if you’re a book writer, you still want to advertise local where you may make more sales simply because you live in the same town. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of the novelty of your business venture.

Also, make sure that you are using local keywords when it comes to social media and blogging. If you’re one-of-a-kind in your hometown, that is a great added selling point. But, if you don’t point out where you are from, who’s going to know?

Use Social Media

Social media is an excellent place to use free marketing. It gives you an outlet to get on the same level as your customers and potential clients. They can feel like your business is on the same level since you are both using social media for staying in touch with the world.

Use it to share coupons and sales info, which can help you attract new customers. People love free things, and discounts, so use social media to take advantage of the things that will attract them to work with your business.

Get It On Paper

Business cards are still a must for businesses great and small. They are a compact item that can easily be handed out to promote your business, and allow people to know where to find you when they are in need of your products and services.

You may also want to consider other paper marketing tools, like brochures and flyers. These are great tools whether you use them right in your store or you hand them out to people at trade shows. Brochures are used to completely introduce a person to what your business has to offer them, and you don’t even need to speak a word!

Originally posted on August 28, 2016 @ 5:25 am