Category Archives: Blogging

Tips For Marketing Your Products And Services

When it comes to business marketing you want to sometimes put your focus on something more singular, and not just on your company as a whole. Most of the marketing you do is likely to get your business name out, but when you have a new product or service that is launched or you want extra attention for, you will do some marketing that revolves strictly around that item.

Sometimes that focus is just what you need to increase product or service sales, or to get someone’s attention. Your business name is still getting out there, but you are also showing current and potential customers that you have something special that you want them to know about, and that it means enough to you to focus on, if only it for an ad or two.

Make A Specific Website For It

You can bet that the lawyers at Morelli Law Firm take on more than just talcum powder lawsuits, but in order to specify to victims that they are there to help for this specific need they have a website set up that is dedicated solely to this one need. You can do that as well, if you have a product or service that you want to bring direct attention to and not have lost in the shuffle of all of the others things your business offers.

Work With Social Media

You can start a page on Facebook for nearly anything. You can make videos and post them to YouTube. You can Instagram photos, Tweet about your day, and even create a board specifically for that one product or service on Pinterest. Do it!

People love social media, they love to review businesses on social media, and if you are advertising specific products and services in creative ways on social media they are going to get noticed. Cross promote from one social media outlet to others, as well. Make memes, create infographics, and do things that are shareable for the most views.

Create An Email And Texting Campaign

Email seems to go by the wayside more these days since social media seems to offer a more direct form of contact between business and customers, but it is still worth using when you can. Offer newsletters or email sign up for coupons. If you want to stick with the times, you can also do this with text blasts.

If people sign up through your website then you’ll know they want to receive these types of messages, but you still don’t want to overdo it. One email or text a week, or even one a month with a coupon, is plenty to peak their interest. Make those blasts about the products and services you want them to notice the most.

Originally posted on September 27, 2016 @ 2:15 am

Successful Bloggers Focus on a Niche

Thousands of people just like you start a blog every year. So why do only a handful of them ever earn any money at it? And why are even fewer able to make a living from blogging?

There are many possible reasons why bloggers fail, but one of the most essential involves choosing the right subject matter. The Internet is oversaturated with websites, blogs, and content. If you’re trying to make a name for yourself while trying to cover a vast field, then you’re essentially playing the lottery and hoping to strike it rich. Continue reading

Originally posted on November 15, 2016 @ 9:07 am

Why SEO Is Important For Blogs, Websites, And Social Media

SEO, it’s a term you’ve been hearing non-stop, a buzzword, if you will. Bloggers and businesses alike are utilizing search engine optimization in order to make their websites and blogs easier to find. If you aren’t using SEO it’s pretty likely you’ll never appear on the front page of any search engines, and that’s where most people click links.

SEO isn’t just for blogs, though that is one of the most important places to use it. It included keywords, links, and keywords phrases, among other things. You can get more out of you SEO work by using keywords in more places. Continue reading

Originally posted on August 4, 2016 @ 2:38 am

5 Online Collaboration Tips for Successful Blogging


Thanks to the internet, people from across the world are now as connected as ever. Online stores, industry news sites, and blogs; professionals with the right skills and talent can now contribute to these websites without the hindrance of location. All it takes is to establish a seamless collaboration platform that improves communication and productivity between online teams.

If you’re a blog owner and constantly outsource remote contributors, then here are five essential tips and tools that will help you maximize their productivity:

1. Use a Project Management Tool

First things first, you need to have a tool that will enable everyone to know exactly what they should be doing. The traditional practice is to use emails as the primary means of communication. While this still works, it’s difficult to convey the sense of urgency even if you specify deadlines in the email. This can make it difficult for your writing team to keep up with the editorial calendar, the blog’s quality standards, and each other when working on collaborative content.


This is why the first software that every blogger should use is a project management tool such as Trello and CoSchedule. These tools offer a visual interface that can be used to assign tasks, set deadlines, and manage the workflow of every team member. Trello is a little more straightforward than CoSchedule, which can be seen as an advantage. It offers a fast user interface that organize projects into cards, which can contain an indefinite number of tasks. Each task may contain checklists, in-depth details, comments, attachments, labels, and deadlines.

On the other hand, CoSchedule provides a host of useful features that are specific to content marketing. It offers a comprehensive marketing calendar, social media scheduling, and integrations with other productivity apps such as Evernote and Google Docs.

2. Meet Occasionally

A team with mutual respect between each member is far more capable in functioning together and accomplishing goals than teams with little to no communication. However, not even the best online collaboration and communication platform can foster trust and team spirit. This is why you should also arrange occasional meet-ups that will allow teammates to get to know each other and discuss big goals with clearer detail.

W1 Office

Renting a co-working space for facilitating meet-ups is a good way to go, especially since it allows your team to do something that’s not work-related afterwards. It should be easy to find co-working space services in your area. For example, if you’re living in Seattle, then you can use a service like Office Nomads. For UK-based teams, then you may opt for W1Office.

Alternatively, you can still hold meetings online with a platform like GotoMeeting. It is a popular online meetings tool that features a simplistic yet functional interface. You can easily hold ad hoc meetings, collaborative discussions, presentations, and so on. It also allows you to organize and manage a list of meetings to stay ahead of your schedule.

3. Keep in Touch All the Time

Apart from an online meeting tool, you also need an online communication platform that will keep everyone on the same page – at all times. Remember that a team needs constant communication to work faster, brainstorm content ideas, share suggestions, and finish projects faster.


One of the best tools you can use for this would be Slack. Despite its name, it is one of the best online tools you can use to maximize productivity and foster team effort. It gives users access to direct messaging as well as channels that may facilitate specific conversations. For example you can have a channel for your content development, social media, and security teams to keep the discussions on-point.

Apart from sending messages, Slack also enables you to share files and integrate other enterprise tools for quicker access. This means members no longer have to check each individual tool for updates.

4. Store Files on the Cloud

Although Slack, Trello, and a lot of online collaborative tools include a file sharing feature, you still need a full-fledged cloud storage app to make your files accessible to everyone. One advantage of this is that you can have a single place for all your files, whereas sharing them with other collaboration tools means looking for the specific conversation first.

Google Drive

Today, two of the leading cloud storage platforms are Google Drive and Dropbox. Although Dropbox is also feature-rich, Google Drive offers more storage space (15 GB versus only 2GB on Dropbox) on the free version, which is already a huge difference. Furthermore, Google Drive includes easy integration with Google Docs, which can be used for quickly proofreading content submissions by writers.

5. Invest in Editing Tools

Although Google Docs is useful for making quick edits and comments, bloggers can also use editing tools to proofread and polish articles. Some of the factors that you should never overlook are grammar, spelling, and the readability of an article. However, a simple spell-checking feature in word processing apps cannot reliably detect these issues, particularly when it comes to grammar and readability.


This is why you should consider using Grammarly – a web-based editing tool that checks your article for grammar, spelling, and readability issues. All you need to do is to paste your document and the tool will automatically highlight the problem points and provide you with revision suggestions. If you run a blog with multiple authors, ask them to use Grammarly first or some of its alternatives to automate and make your editing process simpler.

It’s worth noting that Grammarly can be integrated with your browser as an extension. It will then check everything you type in your browser – highly useful if you’re creating social media posts or editing blog posts directly from your CMS. Check out this link for more information on how it can be used for blogging and other writing activities.


Today, going the remote route and eliminating the physical barriers for collaboration have been highly effective for developing great blogs and other forms of online content. Although you have access to the global pool of talent, remember that you also need the tools that will help you manage a great team. Keep in mind that it takes the collective effort of your entire editorial team to establish an authoritative blog.

Originally posted on June 22, 2016 @ 2:11 am

Marketing Your Dating Website

There are plenty of single people out there in the world, and they are always looking for new places to try to find love. If you have a dating website then you need to know how to get it to the people that are looking for love. That’s where having the right marketing plan in place comes in handy.

You need to know your targeted audience, what they are interested in, and where to find them. Then you need to know what you need to do in order to keep them around. Your target will obviously be singles. Continue reading

Originally posted on July 4, 2016 @ 3:12 am