Category Archives: Design

Blogging and Marketing: How To Get Topics To Stick

Everyone is a blogger, and everyone is a marketer. So with all of that virtual noise, how do you stand out? How do you make what you want to say both valuable and searchable? There are many, many different ways to approach these questions, and those approaches are constantly adapting with new technology in the mix as well.

However, there are a few tried and true methods that you can always fall back on, including using the trifecta method, understand the relationship between rhyme and reason, using organic presentation, keeping photos and images involved, and respecting the attention span. Continue reading

Originally posted on April 30, 2016 @ 11:44 pm

Vital Skills Online Entrepreneurs Must Possess

Business owners who keep abreast with the latest technology have an edge over the others. They are more likely to succeed in gaining customers and increasing their profits moving forward.

But apart from simply knowing about the different technologies available today, entrepreneurs need to possess certain skills. Several tech skills are very valuable these days as they allow people to succeed in their specific endeavors. Those who are doing business on the web including those that accept payments online should find ways to develop these skills so they can use them to their advantage. Learning should never stop regardless of one’s age. Continue reading

Originally posted on June 4, 2016 @ 8:11 am

How to Start a Blog For Your Business

Being on social media today is a must for businesses. It’s a powerful way to raise public awareness about your products and services and gain more customers moving forward.

It’s true that the use of traditional media still works up to this day but it’s also high time for businesses to incorporate other creative ways to attract more customers and increase revenues. And social media is definitely a great tool to utilize. Continue reading

Originally posted on March 18, 2016 @ 9:15 am

5 Tips For Effective Professional Websites That Use Social Media

Personal websites are one thing – they have a tremendous amount of freedom of expression, content, and format. Professional websites – sites that promote things like corporations, lawyers, doctors, or things like that – have a different tack they need to take concerning blogging and social media.

To prevent the worlds of the amateur and the professional from colliding on line, here are five observational tips to make sure your website stays up to snuff: think about how lawyers promote, think about how doctors present themselves, consider how technology and communication are changing, think of how different people perceive things nowadays, and think about transparency and trust.

professional websites

Think About the Lawyers

Lawyers have a tough job of it on the Internet, to try to get their selling points across. A cross-reference to problems lawyers have will give you the very basics of why it’s tough for them to compete against each other. If you’re in this group – don’t believe the hype, and instead go for the techniques that are proven to work despite what so-called ‘common sense’ might tell you or your law firm. Continue reading

Originally posted on August 5, 2015 @ 2:52 am

How to Ensure Your Website Displays Well on Tablets

It’s 2013 already and for those running a business, have you checked if your website is mobile-friendly? If you haven’t done so, it’s time to do it now.
With a rapidly growing number of people turning to the smartphones and tablets these days, you need to keep abreast with technology and making your website mobile-friendly is the way to go. You may think that just because you have a website, it will automatically display correctly on iPhones and tablets. But the truth is, there’s a big difference.

Keep in mind that these portable and handheld gadgets have a smaller screen size and what you see on your regular desktop or laptop computer screen will naturally be smaller when viewed on tablets and smartphones.

In terms of tablets alone, there are now 70 million users in the U.S. Traffic to e-commerce sites from this device also went up by 348 percent for one year alone, from 2011 to 2012.
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Originally posted on January 9, 2013 @ 3:17 am